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The Impact of Emperor Qianlong on Ceramics

Essay Instructions:

Should include topic, thesis/argument/question,artwork,challenge.

Artwork will be “The Mother of Ceramic” Qing Emperor Qianlong various glaze bottles alias porcelain mother

A challenge could be that "the pictures of this artwork on the internet was a phony one, a fake mother of ceramic, I spend a lot of time to find the picture of the real mother of ceramic.“

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The Impact of Emperor Qianlong on Ceramics Name Institutional Affiliation The Impact of Emperor Qianlong on Ceramics Background The Qing Dynasty period was a very significant period in the history of ceramics. This is primarily because it is the age that witnessed the evolution and development of complex ceramics and techniques that referenced the Song Dynasty while simultaneously overshadowing the ceramic styles and techniques of the dynasty (Michaelson & Portal, 2006). This significant development in ceramics was flanked by social development as well as agricultural development. It is in this period that the Chinese society looked into careful consideration of ceramics as a cultural heritage and source of identity. The rule of Emperor Qianlong is undoubtedly one of the most vital as far as the development of ceramics in China is concerned, with pieces such as the mother of ceramics symbolizing this position. Development and Impacts of Qianlong The development highlighted in Huang (2012) and Jin (2008) are of crucial importance in the bid to understand the development in ceramics of the rule of Emperor Qianlong. One of the important issues highlighted, the painting of ceramics, that is unique to the ceramics of this period is a major piece in solving the jigsaw puzzle that is the development in ceramics of the rule of Emperor Qianlong (Knothe, 2010). Other aspects that are also documented in this period include the use of unique color palettes such as oxblood and the inscription of poems composed by the Emperor during this period (Michaelson & Portal, 2006; Xiaoran, 2011). Besides the fact that they are all major aspects in determining the development in ceramics of the Qianlong regime, they are united by the fact that, the robust presence of monumental and formative ceramic pieces such as the mother of ceramics is an unquestionable fact. These aspects are believed to have been major influences for ceramic development and progression during the Qianlong regime. According to Huang (2012) and Jin (2008), the Reign of Emperor Qianlong remains critically formative to the growth of ceramics in China, a sort of guiding light for future ceramics culture. They believe that the reign of Emperor Qianlong was a major period for a variety of reasons; first, the timing of his rule was essential in the re-ignition of robust ceramics culture and development in China. The Chinese landscape also worked well as a core influence of the paintings on many ceramic pieces (Gang, 2011). This resulted in the community further embracing ceramics as a core piece of Chinese culture, to the extent that the Emperor slowly built his own collection of ceramics. This re-ignited passion and culture of ceramic by Emperor Qianlong revolutionized the Chinese society in numerous and diverse ways that further built upon the ceramic transformation of the society (Xiaoran, 2011). The Chinese population would then begin the domestication of their ceramic culture as a form of embracing the tradition and culture espoused by Emperor Qianlong. They embraced practices like landscape painting and the use of non-traditional color palettes to paint ceramics in increasingly creative and innovative ways that further advanced the culture surrounding ceramics during this period. This formed the basis for the development of their social, religious and cultural association with ceramics (Xiaoran, 2011). At the same time, this revolution resulted in the development of an economic power base that played a key role in further advancing the culture of ceramics as Emperor Qianlong had initiated. This formed a template of sorts for future generations insofar as the culture of ceramics is concerned (Gang, 2011). They regularly copied and drew inspiration from the design, aesthetics, and colors used in some of the most influential ceramic pieces of the Qianlong regi...
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