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Visual & Performing Arts
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Journal Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Journal 13

#Chikamatsu, The Love Suicides of Sonezaki (1703), file that I upload

Suggested: #Keene, "Introduction to the Major Plays of Chikamatsu" , file that I uploaded

Write about 100 word with the first paragraph.

Journal 14

#Video: Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet Theatre


#Bell, Puppet Modernism, File that I uploaded

Write another 100 word for this with another paragraph

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Analysis
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Part 1
According to John Bell, puppets can be made from a cut piece of paper, a mug or a sock, but they will remain non-living if they are not programmed how to work or act (Bell, 2008). They can be seen in different shows, playing various roles and entertaining the audience in one way or the other. Their eyes do not move or blink, but they can make people cry with their incredible performance and body movements. In the United States, the trend of using puppets in stage shows became common in the 20th century. Before that, people used to play different characters, and it was difficult for them to keep up with the spirit. Today, puppets are more just an object; they are used to convey emotions and to engage the audience. Artists have happily painted the world's top puppets, and their paintings can be seen in different museums and galleries.
Part 2
In Major Plays of Chikamatsu, Benito Ortolani...
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