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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Form Assignment 2 Johannes Brahms, Quartet No. 1 in G Minor

Essay Instructions:

Listen to the following musical example:

Johannes Brahms, Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25 – Movement 4 (1856-61) [Recording available in Spotify playlist]

and fill out the attached form. Be sure to give enough detail that someone who does not know the music would be able to understand the form and structure of the music before they listen. You do not need to write in complete sentences. Your answers should relate to musical characteristics. Use as much space as you need, though an analysis of sufficient detail would be close to one (1) full page in length.

I do not expect you to consult other sources nor am I expecting a professional-level analysis (see the rubric for the exact point breakdown). Your grade will be determined by following the given instructions using the skills you have developed throughout this course. Any occurrences of academic dishonesty (such as copying another student's answers, consulting sources without citation, copying outside work, etc.) will be dealt with harshly. At minimum, any academic dishonesty will result in a 0 for the assignment, with no opportunity to make it up. (Consequences will be more severe for repeated offenses).

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Form Assignment 2
Form Assignment 2
The performance ‘’ Brahms - piano quartet no 1 g-minor op 25 - Fauré Quartett’’ is recited using different styles that make each of its sections different from each other. The sections apply different melody, dynamics, motion, tempo, texture, and range to create a different mood to the audience. Hence, the work focuses on the use of the different techniques that are seen in the four different sections of the performance.
Section A: This section is known as ‘’Allegro’’ and it starts with low notes which quickly changes to high pitches. Also, the range between the low and high note is high with high tempo as seen in the speed at which the music is played. Moreover, the music has quick melody and sometimes the notes skip faster unpredictably. Finally, most of the music performance is at high pitches which are harmonious but sometimes changes to low notes unexpectedly and remains low for sometimes before skipping to high notes unexpected. .
Section B: The second piece is called ‘&rs...
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