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Visual & Performing Arts
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Performing Arts: Jazz Music Performances

Essay Instructions:

Go to a live Jazz performance, write about your experience and the music. Yes, I recommend you go to a live performance, Google "Live Jazz" and your location to find a performance near you and in your budget. Jazz at Lincoln Center rates is between $5 – $20 (depending on the show) and easy to get to by subway.

Jazz at Lincoln Center – Events: http://jalc(dot)org/

In the event, you can not attend a live performance write about these two performances and compare and contrast your experience to both.

Esperanza Spalding Nobel Peace Prize Performance LIVE https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iKjMpyZWyj4

Wynton Marsalis Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2002 http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=dqOOO74MHAM

Paper is due: Nov. 13, 2018, 11:59:59 PM

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jazz Music Performances
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Jazz is a genre of music where musicians are required to be creative and invent music rhythms on the spot. It is characterized by soft music which mostly involves instruments and poetically written lyrics. Additionally, Jazz music is normally played by a band and because music is invented on the spot, there are instances of abrupt distortions of the pitch. However, most people are not fans of this genre because it may be difficult to comprehend the beauty of jazz when one lacks exposure of the music. The purpose of this essay is to compare the Esperanza Spalding Nobel Peace Prize Live Performance with the Wynton Marsalis Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2002 to discover whether Jazz musicians do speak the same language in terms of music compositions.
The beauty of Jazz music is in the harmonious use of musical instruments to create rhythms that are appealing to the ear. Instruments used by Jazz musicians are saxophones, t...
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