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Discussing The Works Of This Artist: Maurits Cornelis (M.C.) Escher

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper discussing the works of this artist: MAURITS CORNELIS (M.C.) ESCHER

Have to use these 3 reference works: 1. Relativity(1953) 2. Drawing Hands(1948) 3. HAND WITH REFLECTING SPHERE (1935)

This point has to be mention in the paper: "He is not a political person. The only political work he had was two post-stamps that the government invited him to do. "

Below is the full requirements:

Write a three-page (minimum) paper discussing the work of one particular artist / printmaker from any time period whose work you find inspiring. I am providing a list of artists you can choose to research, however, you may select someone not included on the list (check with me). Your research should focus on their printmaking, especially in lithography. 3 Your paper and presentation should address and include the following 4 discussions: 1) Provide background information to contextualize the work you will be discussing. Include a very brief and concise biographical overview of the artist. 2) Discuss your artist’s work in an art-historical context. 3) Describe their imagery and technique in detail.  Provide many descriptive details so that the reader can visualize what you are describing.  Discuss the images and what attracted you to the work.  Discuss the specific techniques used, and their effectiveness. 4) Describe why you were interested in or inspired by your particular artist.  I want to hear your voice, thoughts, and impressions in your written work.  Cite your sources. (footnotes, endnotes, bibliography)  Proof-read your work! Make sure that you satisfactorily address all points in both your paper and your presentation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Maurits Cornelis (M.C.) Escher
Maurits Cornelis (M.C.) Escher
Maurits Cornelis Escher was born on the seventeenth day of June in the year 1898. George Arnold Escher, a civil engineer was the father to Maurits. At the time of his birth, the family lived in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. His father, George Arnold worked for the Netherlands government as the chief engineer. Cornelis Escher's work can be presumed to have been primarily guided by a secret inspiration from his father’s prominence as well as a profession in the engineering field. Maurits did not go through an easy path in the quest for education. At the initial stages of his school life, he was a victim of consistent illnesses. These unfortunate events had negative implications on his academic life as was reflected in his second-grade results. He did not pass the second-grade exams. In the year 1907, Maurits Cornelis tried to live in the town of Zandvoort briefly hoping that the sea environment would help improve his life – which did not have any significant change. His circumstances got worse. His grades did not improve (Escher, M. C., 1953).
However, Maurits’ efforts in drawing extremely excelled. As a result of poor grades, he did not manage to graduate from high school. Besides, he was rejected from joining the military service since he had a serious skin condition that could not be controlled. In spite of all the cruel life’s obstacles, Cornelis did not throw in the towel. Instead, he had a strong and persistent desire to draw more. Eventually, his work started t be recognized. This recognition informed his decision to join the Haarlem School of Architecture and Decorative Arts. At the school, he enrolled for architectural classes but his skin condition could not let him excel in many of the course subjects. He fell short the pass marks in many units to a point of quitting. However, his friend cum instructor, Jessurun de Mesquita encouraged him not to quit school. He had noted M.C Escher's lithographs he had created while in high school – which hugely impressed him. Consequently, Mesquita advised Escher to not to leave school but to change his course to a major in graphics and decorative arts. M.C Escher heeded to the advice (Escher, M. C., 1935).
Maurits Cornelis Escher created some of the most cognizable images of the previous century. However, his work was not adequately embraced by the global art world. In all the Britain’s museums and galleries, for example, M.C Escher's work is only one “and it was not until his 70th birthday that the first full retrospective exhi...
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