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Examine John Lennon's Imagine Using Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:

Again, this is about unpacking – tracking back into history hat exist in and around the artist and the narrative of an album

As an artist working, songs sometimes take years to make. I have an affinity to read the by-lines in CD covers religiously, question the content and try to find out who the artist really is, let alone mixing a snare and a hi hat next to each other.

It’s hard to believe that Eminem is the Eminem he says he is on the Marshall Mathers LP. After all, he never killed his mother or girlfriend, or did he? Emotionally, some songs can reflect our dreams, our nightmares, our visions or our past or the future. Tupac prophesized his death in his music, while 50 Cent got rich (and broke?) and didn’t die trying. This is the first assignment we ask you to use critical thinking about others and the world around you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head: IMAGINE1
Imagine As Narrative
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Imagine As Narrative
The idealistic, mythologized and iconized appreciation and acclaim of “great songs” is common. In music, songs rise and fall in a few days and, in an age of social media, within a few minutes or perhaps seconds. The passage of years, coupled by growing distance from “original facts,” changes, moreover, songs – and, for that matter, artists – into a state of fabled eternity. Imagine, an album written exclusively by John Lennon except for one song by his partner Yoko Ono, “Oh My Love,” (“Imagine,” n.d.) is a case in point. Topping charts and, mythologized by Lennon's iconic figure, Imagine, particularly album's title track, continues to echo as a global anthem for peace and a prescient prediction of current state of affairs. The reality of Imagine, as is for each and every mythologized and iconized work of art, is, however, much more nuanced, if not dismaying to fans, contemporary and present. (The album's cover showing Lennon's head in clouds is, in fact, informed by much unflattering, if not damaging, of Lennon and, for that matter, a whole legacy still unquestioned as proper.) The earlier background of, musical arrangements for and subsequent critical and mass reception of Imagine offer, however, much subtler understandings. The parallels often (yet mistakenly) established between works of art and real life find fertile ground for discussion of, yet also for much confusion about, what a work or art is actually about. To put matters into perspective, a close examination is required of Imagine. Far from a close reading of songs, musical worth or actual historic happenings, current essay aims to examine Imagine as a living document of Lennon's personal history, musical career and experiences in a wider context of artist's struggles for professional and personal freedom.
The iconic status Imagine still enjoys is undisputed. In part attributed to Lennon's iconic status as a former Beatles (lead) singer, partly to album's release at a critical juncture of singer's


music career and partly to wider contemporary political and social conditions, Imagine is clouded by – and, as a consequence, clouds – subtler critiques. Coming second, as Lennon's solo album following John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band in 1970, Imagine is, in a sense, Lennon's actual debut into music market as a solo artist in a post-Beatles period (Radio X, 2020). The breakup of Beatles in 1969, followed by bitter legal and public banters between Lennon and Paul McCartney over contractual rights (Radio X), offers a subtler yet much muted background to Imagine. Indeed, viewed partly as a phase in a healing process Lennon underwent following one of world's most successful (and mythologized) bands, The Beatles; partly as a critical juncture in Lennon's evolution as an artist; and partly as an actual (mass) market appraisal of Lennon as a successful, commercial artist (“Imagine;” Radio X; Rogers, 2020) – Imagine, framed as such, can no longer, in a more critical and alternative reading, be understood merely as an eternal song for world's peace nor, for that matter, of Lennon's consistent search for world's (and personal?) freedom and justice.
The “primal scream,” as John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band has come to be designated, offers, moreover, a more nuanced reading of Imagine. Parting ways, The Beatles had to find ways for self-(re)invention and...
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