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Visual & Performing Arts
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What produces tension and repose in music? Visual & Performing Arts

Essay Instructions:

MUST HAVE READ OR FAMILIAR WITH ‘Musical Involvement, A Guide to Perceptive Listening’ by Donald J. Funes (1992) . This is crucial as you have to use this book for references. if you cannot, please do not accept this project. thank you very much.

In this 2000-2500‐word paper, you must attempt the following task:

Answer the question, “What produces tension and repose in music?” Explain the roles of conditioning and attitude. Identify and discuss the sources of tension and repose, and explain how the sources interrelate. Throughout, make detailed references to recordings in illustration of your discussion.

You will need to refer to the Funes textbook frequently. Use his various forms of graphical representation if you find them helpful. There is no need to use other books or recordings.

The purpose of Assignment 2 is to give you practice in handling a large group of musical concepts and their interrelationships.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What Produces Tension and Repose in Music?
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What Produces Tension and Repose in Music?
Music is famous across the world for its ability to stimulate memory, feelings, and emotions. Whether one likes to listen to classical, jazz, rap, rock, pop, or country music, they experience these great feelings. According to Funes (1992), musical preferences are shaped in an individual by both current and past experiences, sex, mood, and influences. He also states that how feelings, memory, or emotions are stimulated in music is similar in all kinds of music as they are controlled by the repose and tension features (Funes, 1992). He describes tension as a gradual or abrupt shift or a state toward the unknown, and repose as a gradual or abrupt shift or a state towards the known. Donald indicates that several music elements play a significant role in producing tension and repose.
The first element is the rhythm. Funes gives the rhythm a traditional definition, which states that it is everything that considers the organization of musical elements in time. The rhythm elements include meter, tempo, patterns, and pace. In a rhythmic pattern, repose is produced when some components in a piece of music supply unity by remaining unaffected while the other components undergo substantial adjustment (Funes, 1992). On the other hand, tension is produced when a rhythmic pattern is subjected to variations. This means that the rhythmic pattern keeps changing during the play of the music, making it unpredictable for the listener to determine the next pattern creating tension. Donald also indicates that meter plays a significant role in producing a repose or tension in the music. Meter marks the musical time with pulse units, which can either be two or three. Just as a basic pulse rate sets the tempo element meter, a harpsichord playing softly in the background is strengthened by bass (Funes, 1992). In such a scenario, the pulse is easily identifiable, as one counts the three base notes of the bass and continues to count in the other sections through the harpsichord notes. The figure below illustrates how one can count the bass and harpsichord notes.
Figure 1: illustrating how to count notes in bass and harpsichord
In this figure, the S and W initials stand for strong and weak pulses, respectively, in a song. Based on the figure, it is clear that the bass starts with a strong pulse followed by a weak one, then followed by a strong note, which is carried to the harpsichord's first note. If this section of a song is played, twice the listener will start to develop a sense of repose since he would predict what will be following (Funes, 1992). However, if the pulse is changed to move to the third section, it would lead to tension since it would create an unknown experience. Moreover, considering the tempo and pace elements, we realize that they take a great role in producing tension and repose. To demonstrate this issue effectively will use a song known as Brandenburg Concerto no 4 by Johann Sebastian. At the start of the song, the listeners identify that the recorder is playing the song at a faster pace than the pace used in playing violin and harpsichord (Funes, 1992). Donald states that this point is where the listener starts to mark the tempo, speed, and pulse. This is because at the moment, the harpsichord plays indistinctly in equivalent intervals for some minutes, and the bass is also identified playing three notes at the opening of each recorder order.
The harpsichord becomes the most basic pulse rate in this section resulting in a slow tempo in the song. On the other hand, the bass, which is playing three notes, strengthens the pulse. The constant changes that happen due to these metrics start to make the listener sink into repose (Funes, 1992). As the song continues to the next sequence, several changes are experienced. For instance, the harpsichord starts to play softly, and it is hardly heard, and the violin starts to play at a quicker pace. Additionally, the recorder plays a longer note before picking up to the next pace. Thus, this makes the harpsichord pulse to be hardly identified, creating tension in the listener. The change in violin pace from lower to faster also creates tension.
Donald states that Syncopation, superimposed subdivision, and suppressed meter also play a crucial role in producing tension as they create ambiguity. In his book, he argues that superimposing a new subdivision on a strongly established meter level produces metrical conflicts that increase tension. This is because it increases the number of musical events the listener must deal with at once (Funes, 1992). For instance, in a song known as Piano Quintet by Franz Shubert, three types of subdivision that the listener has to deal with simultaneously. Near the beginning of the song's first part, a violin is introduced, creating a basic pulse. Later, in the song, the listener identifies a sense of the basic pulse shifting. The constant changes in the basic pulse make it hard for the listener to realize and differentiate them, creating ambiguity that produces tension (Funes, 1992). In another example of Traditional Cuban Music sang by Sutileza illustrates how superimposed meter produces tension.
Figure 2: illustrating the basic rumba patterns found in the Traditional Cuban Music
In this song, the basic rumba pattern is 3+3+2 against a two-pulse meter. A bongo drum played in this music's background is done following complex patterns, which are strongly conflicting with the basic meter. These effects make it harder for the listener to pay attention to the orchestra and voices, creating a sense of ambiguity (Funes, 1992). On the other hand, there is a melody introduced by a muted trumpet, creating a pattern of three pulses simultaneously with a basic two-beat pulse, which also leads to ambiguity or tension. However, he states that if the patterns used in this song are repeated for some minutes, the listener may start to realize their difference, creating a repose.
Suppression of meter also leads to uncertainty and ambiguity that creates musical tension. Donald states that suppressed meter has been used in western music for a long time. For instance, it has been used in a song known as Missa Ave Maris Stella, “Christe eleison” by Josquin des Prez. (Funes, 1992) In this song, the sense of regular metrical grouping is reduced by the astounding entrances of the voices and their un...
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