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Visual & Performing Arts
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Performing Arts Essay: A World of Animation and You

Essay Instructions:

For your final writing assignment, please write a 4-page paper (double- spaced, 12 pt. font, must be typed—not handwritten) by addressing the prompts below. This is opinion-based; there are no right or wrong answers.

1. In addition to discussing some facts of animation history, we’ve discussed the psychological, and social impact of animated films, both on personal and global levels. Did our viewings enrich your personal understanding of the animation medium in any way, and if so, how?

2. Watching films privately is much different from watching films in a formal setting, with a class of peers. Did this formal setting affect your emotional or intellectual response to the films in any way? Why or why not?

3. What is the most noteworthy thing you learned about a film or about a classmate as a result of the student curation days? What value did this activity have for you, personally?

4. Many animated films have been created during terrible global conflicts or tragedies, and as we’ve seen, many independently produced animated films tend to be rather autobiographical—sometimes dealing with difficult personal experiences. As we’ve continued experiencing a pandemic during this course, in what ways have you found the art of animation to be relevant to that experience in your own life? Has animation or the study of it brought you any sort of therapeutic effect during this troubling and uncertain time?

5. Free write: express anything you may wish to add about the class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A World of Animation and You
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A World of Animation and You
Our viewing has helped me a lot in understanding the animation medium. Before we began the course, I was not a fan of animation films. However, they have become my favorite because I have learned so much about them that I did not know. Animation films use stunts that relate to real-life situations. However, real actors are unable to pull such tricks when acting in movies. Therefore, such stunts are possible in animations, and it is what makes them seem so fun to be compared to other movies. I have watched a lot of animation films since we began the course. Currently, I can watch an animation movie and be able to understand what is going on without necessarily listening to every word said by the actors. Animation medium is more about a visual representation of information rather than audio. Other films acted by real actors aim to match the action with the sound. One has to listen to the sound for them to understand the actions of the characters. I find this to be tiresome, especially when I am not in the mood to watch a movie, but I have to. I find animations to be the perfect type of films to watch when not in the mood to watch a movie. The visuals will automatically capture your attention because that is what they are designed to do. As well, the characters of an animation tend to have unique features that will have the viewer pay all their attention to the film. This is something that I have learned from our previous viewings, and it has made me love animations more than any other type of movie.
Watching films in the class setting has affected my emotional and intellectual response to films a lot. In the past, I used to watch films alone. Such would allow me to feel any emotions evoked by the film. In some cases, the ending of a film could make me feel like crying. Watching films in the class setting has changed these perspectives a lot. I have learned how to hold back my emotions while watching the film. I have also come to realize that films are a representation of things that happens in life. However, whatever is happening in the film is not real, and therefore, I no longer attach too many emotions to the film. During our first film in the class, I was amazed by how much other students were able to keep their cool until the film ended. I was struggling to do this because I was used to feeling every emotion that the film evoked. I realized that the attachment I gave to films reduced my intellectual capacity to understand them. The formal setting has enhanced my intellectual capacity to understand films. I can now analyze a film better than...
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