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Disability and CYC practitioner

Essay Instructions:
The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to reflect on your emerging professional identity as a CYC practitioner. For this assignment, you are asked to examine the Competencies for Professional Child and Youth Work Practitioners (Association for Child and Youth Care Practice and Child and Youth Care Certification Board, 2010), introduced in Week 1, and consider how you might use these competencies in developing your knowledge and skill as a professional CYC practitioner, within the context of current debates about CYC as a profession. In developing your paper, use the following sub-headings and address the following questions: Introduction Provide a succinct introduction that provides an overview of your paper for your reader. Using the Competencies Document Having read the competencies document, please identify two competencies across which you feel you already have some knowledge, capacity, or ability at this point in time. Please also identify two competencies across which you would like to develop, improve, or enhance at this point in time. Ensure you provide a succinct explanation to support your claims. Provide a brief explanation about how you might use this document as you develop as a CYC practitioner. Profession or Craft? Reflecting on how you might use these competencies in your evolution as a CYC practitioner and the readings we have covered so far, how do you think CYC can be viewed as (a) a profession and/or (b) a craft ? Provide a succinct explanation to support your claims. Conclusion Provide a succinct conclusion to summarize your paper for your reader. Organize your reflections on the questions above into a paper of 500-750 words (2-3 typed, double-spaced pages, plus references). In discussing how you might use the competencies at various stages of your development as a CYC professional, be sure to discuss a specific example of how you might use the competencies for each of the following stages: entry level, professional, and advanced. Also, your completed assignment must contain at least two references to course readings or discussions. Save your assignment as either a Word or RTF document with the filename "Assignment1-yourname" and put it in the Assignment Drop Box. Name the electronic source(s) you submit with your assignment assign1-yourname and put it in the Assignment Drop Box with your assignment. Grading Criteria Accuracy and Completeness (6 marks) Provides references to at least two course readings in APA format. Discusses a specific example of the use of the competencies for each of the following career stages: entry level, professional, and advanced. Discusses the use of the competencies within the context of contemporary debates about CYC as a profession vs. a craft. Addresses the questions for the assignment within the specified length of 500-750 words. Organization and Presentation (4 marks) Structure of paper is clear, logical and congruent. Introduction provides a succinct overview of the intention and structure of the paper. Conclusion briefly and clearly summarizes the main points. Spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, pagination, punctuation and clarity of writing are at a 1st year University level. Language and terminology are relevant to the task, as well as simple, clear and free of unnecessary jargon.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disability is a physical, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental or a combination of all these that has been tampered in the structure of a human being. Disability is cropping up in modern day society because of upcoming activities in the world of sports and recreation where people are engages in all types of events. It is caused by accidents or genetic problems from generation to generation. The Competencies for Professional Child and Youth Work Practitioners (Association for Child and Youth Care Practice and Child and Youth Care Certification Board 2010) has developed and initiated skills and developmental knowledge within the Child and Youth Care (CYC) practitioner context. I will elaborate on the competencies of the CYC practitioners.
Profession or craft?
Professional practitioners are generative and flexible because they have high degree of personal initiative as well as self-directed. Their performance is always reliable because they function both independently and as team players (Pense, 2011). These practitioners are well-informed about what constitutes a profession and slot in professional and personal improvement and self-care. Professional practitioners are aware of professional ethics and us of the ethics to guide and enhance practice effectively for children, youth, and families (Pense, 2011). Professionalism in the CYC has led to the development and behavioral adjustments among the practitioners (Anglin 1990). Value orientation among the professionals can also help create a philosophy of practice that provides guiding principles for the design, delivery, and management of services. Through values, professional practitioners can state personal and professional motives and their implications for such practice including how their personal or professional beliefs and values influence interaction with the disabled children (Anglin, 1990). The practitioners need to identify and participate in education and training opportunities that present in order to expand their knowledge in their profession (Anglin, 1990). Keep up-to-date with developments in foundational and specialized areas of expertise as they acknowledge the upcoming complications with children with disability. In my own experience in the field of child and youth work I accounted for children with disabilities and catered for their every need. This will enable them to recognize individualistic strengths and limitations and allow them to separate personal and professional issues. Personal experiences have taught me that as a practitioner I need to separate my personal life with my professional life in the field of child and youth care practice. Awareness of law and regulations among the practitioners will open channels of proper procedures for reporting and correcting emergency issues (Anglin, 1990).
CYC is a craft because individuals in this specific field are qualified personnel who have undertaken a comprehensive course of helping children with disabilities. The CYC practice is performed with individuals certified by the CYC Board with a certification of approval to conduct themselves in institutions of disabled children. Youth with d...
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