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Different Musical Styles of the Pianists in the Concert of Garrick Ohlsson

Essay Instructions:


The concert is a bit long but you only need to listen to the pieces I marked on the program below. The blue numbers indicate the specific minute and second on the video where you will find them. It should be about one hour long.

Don't forget to describe how the 3 different composers represent very distinct musical styles. Talk about the different moods and all the elements that differentiate them (dynamics, articulation, register, tempo, etc.)

The date, time and location of the recital--or the date and time you watched the performance on youtube.

· The name of the performer

· The names and dates of the pieces performed, and the names of the composers who wrote those pieces.

· Did any of the pieces have individual movements (smaller sections) listed on the program?

· What are the meanings of any titles of pieces or titles of movements?

· Compare the styles of the different pieces on the program. How do pieces written earlier in time sound different from pieces written later in time? You should talk about dynamics, tempo, and the ways in which the piano is used. Is the piano used to make song-like melodies, or is it being used for rhythmic effect? Are lots of notes used at the same time, or just a few? Are both rhythm and melody happening at the same time? Be sure to talk about all the pieces on the program.

· From your own knowledge of piano playing so far, describe the physical approach that the performer had to the piano. Describe the performer’s posture, movement, and overall use of their body.

· What parts of the recital did you really like? Why? Be sure to talk about aspects of the music here—talk about the pieces in terms of melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and so on. You can also talk about the performer’s interpretation.

· What parts of the recital did you enjoy less? Why? Again, be sure to give details about the music and the performer.

· One of the main jobs of a pianist is to make sure that the audience can hear the melody (when there is one)—even when there are lots of other things happening in the music. How did this pianist succeed in the pieces on this program?

Clarity of writing: 5 points

Details of recital and performer: 5 points

Discussion of compositional style

(critique of the music): 10 points

Discussion of the performance

(critique of the performer): 10 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critique 2
Critique 2
Pianists use different styles to achieve their objectives and make their work more appealing to the audience. One of the movies that show the uses of the various techniques by the pianists is the ‘’ Garrick Ohlsson – Piano recital.’’ Therefore, the work focuses on a critical analysis of how three different composers represent their musical styles as seen in the film.
I watched the recitals on the internet on 11th October 2018 at noon. The first recital occurred at Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall by Garrick Ohlsson and the work was known as ‘’English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808.’’ Further, the second recital occurred at the same hall by the same pianist and was called ‘’piano sonata no. 3, Op. 36.’’ The recital started after twenty-four minutes from the beginning of the movie. Finally, the third recital occurred in the same hall and by the same person. However, the work was called ‘Nocturne in F minor, Op. 55 No. 1.’’
The three pieces are different considering the dynamics, tempo, articulation, and register as used in the recitals. The first recital has a slow tempo, and the transitions between the rhythms and pitches are smooth. Also, considering the dynamics, the sounds have almost similar loudness between the notes. The notes have the same loudness which is slow sounds, and finally, the work has a low register which is a low pitch. However, the second recital has a high register where the pitches of the music are high. The rhythms and pitches of the work are smoothly transitioned, and the music also changes quickly. Finally, the work has high notes which are described as high registers. The last recital has different pitches and notes, and they do not have a smooth articulation, and the dynamics are varying.
The piano music has rhythm and melody happening at the same time because when the rhythm increases, the melody also becomes higher. The work is different from those that were traditionally done. Traditionally, the piano music was made without any discernible plan where the rhythm did not follow the melody. A high melody could be used at the same time with a high or low rhythm at the same time. Currently, the recitals have changed where the rhythms match the melodies to give a smooth transition between the music played. Further, the piano recitals have been used to give a rhythmic effect instead of a song-like melody. The work uses fewer note...
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