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Visual & Performing Arts
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Art Comparison. Visual & Performing Arts Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Use ONLY what you have learned during lectures to explore the similarities and differences between the two works, including formal characteristics, symbolism, and historical significance. DO NOT look up information on the internet. This is not a research assignment. The purpose of this assignment is for you to use the toolkit of formal terminology and historical and social context you have acquired during this course thus far.








10 points possible

0 points: Postings show no evidence of insight, understanding or reflective thought about the topic.

Postings present no specific viewpoint and no supporting examples from the course material.  

5 points: Postings provide minimal insight, understanding and reflective thought about the topic.

Postings present a specific viewpoint but lack supporting examples from course material.

7 points: Postings provide moderate insight, understanding and reflective thought about the topic.

Postings present a specific viewpoint that is substantiated by supporting examples from the course material, but not all examples enhance the information presented.

10 points: Postings provide comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the topic by building a focused argument around a cohesive viewpoint substantiated by supporting examples from the course material.



Quality of Writing/

Proofreading: 10 points possible

0 points: Posting contains numerous grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

5 points: Posting contains some grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

7 points: Posting is largely free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

10 points: Posting is free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.


Length: 5 points possible

0 points: Post is less than 500 words in length.



5 points: Post is at least 500 words in length.


Timeliness: 5 points possible

0 points: Post was not submitted on time.



5 points: Post was submitted on time.








Essay Sample Content Preview:
Art Comparison
Student’s Name
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Art Comparison
The Venus of Willendorf and the statue of Hatshepsut have many differences and similarities. The most obvious difference is the physical appearance of the two statues. The Venus of Willendorf is much smaller in size at four ј inches tall, whereas the statue of Hatshepsut is much larger at 8 feet and 6 inches tall. Even though Hatshepsut is kneeling, her figure is much larger in appearance. Also, the material used to make the two figures is different, based on the difference in color between the two. The Venus of Willendoff is made from orange limestone; the artists seemed to have used the orange stone to add contrast to the piece. The statue of Hatshepsut, on the other hand, was carved from red granite, which is less striking but appears smoother on the edges compared to orange limestone.
The Venus of Willendorf also appears to be incomplete compared to the statue of Hatshepsut. The artist paid little attention to the nude woman’s face and instead, concentrated on portraying her intimate parts. The shape of the woman is also curvy, and her breasts are more significant than average, which might portray the ideal woman during the period the figure was created. The Hatshepsut, however, is also a statue of a woman, but her figure is slenderer, and her breasts resemble that of a man, which portrays the woman as being more masculine than feminine. Compared to the nude woman, the Hatshepsut statue’s artists emphasized on its facial features and all other body parts....
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