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Alphonse Mucha: Childhood and Early Education

Essay Instructions:

Artist:Alphonse Mucha

If you miss class on the day of your presentation, you may write a longer paper about your designer for partial credit. Your research paper must be 1200-1500 words. In 
addition to describing the career and significance of the designer’s work, discuss the visual qualities and meaning of at least three works of design, and connect the designer’s work to the content of our course (a movement, idea, theory or influence that was discussed in a lecture, assigned reading, and/or quiz). Be sure to include references for your sources.

Write a 2–3 page paper (500–750 words max) that represents the research you completed for your presentation. You will turn this in on the day of your presentation.

Your paper is a narrative, written in full sentences and paragraphs, that follows the flow of your presentation.

PRO TIP: put together your visual presentation first, then write out the paper to fill in ideas and facts.

You DO NOT need to include images in the paper

You DO need to include at least three bibliographic references to books, articles, websites, etc. You may use Wikipedia as a starting point, but this can't be your only reference. Wikipedia is a useful way to find OTHER sources. Museum websites are a great source of reputable information.


2 points: Your paper is written clearly, in full sentences in a direct, narrative style

2 points: You included three bibiliographic references

2 points: You discussed the visual aspects and significance of at least two works by the designer

1 point: You connected your research subject to content from the course (a design movement, a historic designer, a guest lecture, or an assigned reading)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Alphonse Mucha Student’s Name Institution Alphonse Mucha Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was a famous artist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He developed a unique style of art from the influences of the Pre-Raphelites, Hans Makart and Japanese woodcuts (Mucha & Arwas, 1966), which became popular as the Art Nouveau movement. This was a contemporary style that saw the incorporation of art into everyday life and objects. Mucha made art available to everyone though posters and advertisement and further pushed the art into private homes though decorative panels. Mucha’s most important works include Job Cigarette Papers (1896), The Seasons (1896) and Snake Bracelet with Ring (1899) (Ulmer & Mucha, 1994). Childhood and Early Education There were two dominant forces in Mucha’s childhood: the Catholic Church and the Slav’s desire for independence from the Austrian Empire. Mucha’s earliest memory of light and color was Christmas tree lights. He interested in art by the baroque fresco in his local church, and he moved to Vienna to pursue this dream. He worked as a stage set painter and execute portrait commissions to make a living. It was here that he learned of and greatly admired the work of other artists, particularly Hans Makart (Ulmer & Mucha, 1994). Count Khuen-Belasi hired Mucha to paint murals in Emmah of Castle and afterward paid for his training in fine art in Munich. It is here he developed his distinctive calligraphic style as he continued working as an illustrator. He was studying at the Academie Julian, and Academie Colarossi where artists such as Vuillard and Bonnard came with ideas about art could do. The ideas developed in what came to be known as Art Nouveau where art is incorporated into everyday life and objects. Career Mucha continued illustrating for magazines and advertisements. He shot to fame in 1894 with his poster for Gismonda. Mucha’s association with the leading actress Sarah Bernhardt, who was internationally famous made him famous as well (Ulmer & Mucha, 1994). Bernhardt hired Mucha to create promotional posters as well as her costumes and stage sets. Mucha’s style in posters was very popular; he made posters for beer, perfume, bicycles, and biscuits. In Job Cigarette Papers (1896) integrated fine art and commercial art (Mucha & Arwas, 1966). He developed a unique style of art, drawing from the influences of the Pre-Raphelites, Hans Makart, and Japanese woodcuts: “organic and ornate, graceful and dynamic, with curving, swooping lines and Byzantine borders, lettering, and frames” (The Art Story, 2019). The famous Muschaesque (Mucha woman) had pastel robes, flowing hair, curves and often a halo of flowers similar to the haloes on religious icons which dominated his childhood. His decorative panels made art more popular in private homes, and he partnered with Fouquet to produce elaborate jewels. Mucha was recognized as a great decorative artist following exhibitions in Vienna, Brussels, Munich, London, Budapest, and Prague. He was instrumental in making Art Nouveau popular even though they dismissed the label, insisting that art should be permanent. Despite the fame, he still had an artistic dream to use art to illustrate the Slav’s history and serve as an inspiration for Slavic freedom. He realized this dream when Charles Crane financed him, and he returned to Prague to dedicate himself to Slav Epic (Mucha, Henderson & Scharf, 2005). He happily designed the nation’s coat of arms, banknotes and postage stamps. He worked on giant canvases having consulted with historians to depict accurate information. However, all this came to an end when the Nazis invaded in Czechoslovakia in 1939. Classified a ‘reactionary’ Mucha was arrested and soon after died while in custody. The Slav Epic was hidden under Nazi occupation, and Mucha’s art did not receive public display as it was viewed as decadent and bourgeois. British posters in 1960 copied Mucha’s style as they revived Art Nouveau. Japanese Manga, cartoon and fantasy art acknowledge Mucha as in Influence. Most Important Works The most important works by Mucha include Job Cigarette Papers (1896), The Seasons (1896) and Snake Bracelet with Ring (1899) (Mucha & Arwas, 1966). The Artworks overview of the major creative periods and highlight Mucha’s greatest achievements. Job Cigarette Papers (1896) is a striking poster that Mucha designed as an advert for the Job cigarette company. The poster features a ...
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