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Design Principles and Practice 2 Days in Paris

Essay Instructions:

Design Principles and Practice


Closely analyse film form in ONE of the clips below and explore how the sequence is an exam-ple of mainstream, arthouse or a combination of both (1,000 words)

Choose ONE from the following:

2 Days in Paris “Final scene”


1. Use close analysis to explore the way film form is used in the film. Choose at least TWO of the following.

cinematography (including lighting, shot size, angle)

mise-en-scene (including setting, costume, props, acting)

editing (continuity, discontinuity)

sound and music (diegetic, non-diegetic)

2. Explain how they are used and what their effect is.

3. Explain how they are examples of either a mainstream or arthouse way of filmmaking (or both).

4. Discuss your findings in a concise analysis, using good English, appropriate paragraphing, ac-curate spelling and an interesting style.


Do NOT give objective opinion or discuss the film plot. This is not a film review. Use character names, not actor names.

Your references should be from reputable websites’s articles(not more than 3). Do NOT use Wikipedia

or IMDB as a main source.

Write the analysis like an essay with an introduction, body and conclusion.


The analysis should be in a Word doc., using point size 12, fully justified and double space paragraphs.

Always give your analyses and essays a title.

All titles (including film titles) should be italicized.

Any references and citations should use APA referencing (for more information see Referencing



Plagiarising includes not only copying from a published source, and using internet materials without appropriate acknowledgment, but also presenting another student’s work as your own. If you plagiarize you will be in danger of failing the entire compo-nent. You agree that the work you are turning in is your own.

Grade Result: 1. Describe the ways film form is used in sequence and its effects with good use of technical terms.


2. Describe and discuss how this sequence explores mainstream or arthouse filmaking.


3. The ability to present a concise analysis using formal writing skills and expressing ideas clearly.


My target :ADEQUATE (C) 50-70% : The student somewhat describes film form and its effects in the sequence but it is very basic. The student somewhat explores the sequence in relation to mainstream or arthouse filmmaking but is very basic. The student sometimes uses formal writing skills and some ideas are not presented clearly. The writing could use more development too.

HIGH STANDARD (B) 71-90% :The student mostly describes film form and its effects in the sequence but could provide more details or has some technical errors. The student mostly explores the sequence in relation to mainstream or arthouse filmaking and has tried to connect deeper concepts and themes. The student mostly uses formal writing skills and most ideas are expressed clearly.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

2 Days in Paris
Author`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
2 Days in Paris is a 2007 Franco-German romantic film directed, produced, written and edited by Julie Delpy. Five years later, in 2012, a sequel to the movie was also released, and its name was 2 Days in New York. Here, I will present an analysis of the final scene of this film. I will focus on the three film forms to complete this paper: editing, cinematography, and mise-en-scene.
Julie Delpy is the head of the entire creative process. It should be noticed that a cinematographer is a person who is handling the camera and is in charge of the crew dealing with on-set lighting and other electronically controlled machines or devices (White, 2009). The vision and experience of such a person go hand in hand with the vision of the filmmaker while telling the story in the best and unique way.
Lighting is another important form of filmmaking that is in all sciences softly and smoothly, with no hard shadow casting on the subject. This develops and furthers the mood of the scene, which is intense and saddening. It has been observed that the light sources light up the characters from one side and the other side remains shadowy. This turns the scene more dramatic rather than evenly lighting up the characters’ attributes.
The director has made the wise use of medium close-ups and close-up shots to keep the audience engaged in the emotions of the sequence in this movie. In the entire scene, no room is given to either side of the character, and the focus does not shift away from the character itself.
The cinematographer has precisely used camera angles in this scene. It looks like the camera is kept at the eye level and there is no feeling for each character to be superior or inferior to the other. This also shows that both characters have the same importance in the given scene.
It is effortless to see the elements of cinematography and mise-en-scene in a movie, but editing is not something we can see with our eyes, yet it is there to be felt. Editing, in essence, is a process of joining different shots together to create an impressive experience for the audience. With editing techniques, certain emotions can be evoked in the audience to keep them invested in the film.
Editing techniques used in this scene of 2 Days in Paris sync very well with the overall mood of the scene. As the female actor enters the room, the camera moves toward the right side where the male actor is sitting and smoking. He delivers his first line in the scene and stands up while the camera moves up with him to keep the same angle, the eye level. The length of the shot is used by the dialogues. Usually, most of the shots are of shorter length, which corresponds to the tension shown between the prime characters.
With all these methods, jump cuts have also been used in this scene. If you take a close look at the position of the actor...
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