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Analysis of Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera

Essay Instructions:

I chose the Primavera by Botticceli for the paper

and provided my prefered sources, though the writer can use others too


Formal analysis of a work of art from a museum with a specialized collection of Italian Renaissance art.

Work: Of your choice, but it must be a work of art from a museum with a specialized collection of Italian Renaissance art.

Length: 1,500-2,000 words (6-8 pages)

Format: Double-spaced in 12-point font with page numbers. Use either Times New Roman or Garamond. Include a title page with your student number only. Please do not use paper clips or fold the edges of your paper. Use any citation style you are familiar and comfortable with for citations and bibliographic sources.

There are two parts to this assignment: Visual Description and Visual Analysis.
Visual Description:

As art historians one of the key skills you will rely on is to look closely and carefully. This exercise is meant to do just that, i.e. to teach you how to look at a work of art and to be able to discuss it. This process of close-looking is the first step in making meaning of a work of art.

This part is simply a description of the object, of what you see and observe. Usually this description is rich, layered, and nuanced. You are trying to convey to the reader what you observe and you want them to read the work of art the same way you see it. You want the reader to observe your perspective of the visual qualities that are present in the work of art. Therefore, you will begin with a visual description.

Aspects that can be discussed in a description include but are not limited to size, scale, colour, texture, light, shading, material, and lines.

Visual Analysis

Once you have described your work of art you will raise an argument about it by asking a question or a set of questions that emerge from your visual description. For example, if you are describing colour in a painting and then find that the use of a particular colour represents not simply artistic skill but trade and commerce, you will use your argument to propel this observation. Supporting an argument requires external research and you will be including your academic sources here.


Argument: Your assignment will have a clear, defined, and well-articulated argument that will be weaved in seamlessly throughout your writing. An argument is a clearly defined reason or set of reasons to persuade the reader to your observations.

Academic Sources: You will provide me with a minimum of 7 academic sources. Please note that these have to be academic sources, which include books, chapters in books, and peer-reviewed articles. The visual analysis must be accompanied by a bibliography.

Citations: You will be using APA, MLA or Chicago Style for your citations. Please use a style that you are comfortable with and be consistent with it. Do not mix citation styles, as that will negatively impact your grade.

Bibliography: You will include a separate page for bibliography in proper format. Format will vary depending on which citation style you use, so please make sure you are using the correct format.


Grading will be based on the following format:

Argument, i.e. a clearly articulated argument that runs through the course of the paper: 20 points

Content, i.e. visual description & analysis (be precise): 30 points

Organization, i.e. clear introduction, transition sentences, conclusion, and so on: 10 points

Research, i.e. academic sources, quality of sources, level of understanding of the material used, etc.: 30 points

Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation: 10 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Student Number Analysis of Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera It is seen in the middle arch, under the tiny blindfolded cupid, towards the off center area of the artwork the image of the Goddess of love: Venus (Barolsky, 2000). The artwork shows greatly the aesthetic appeal and the creative heritage of Sandro Botticelli’s poetic art called Primavera (Figure 1). Added by Barolsky (2000), the aesthetic poetry of the painting is the reflection of love described in the translation of earlier works about love poetry. The effects of this love poetry had a huge impact about the painter’s self-consciousness and expertly recorded his experience of love through this painting as a transformative poetic expression (Barolsky, 1994); however, at a clearer observation of the visual aspect of the painting, it shows a more vivid representation of the transformative characteristics of spring and fertility towards a more symbolic interpretation about the different kinds of love. Visual description In the painting, the goddess was surrounded by different characters like a prince and maidens. According to Rubinstein (1997), the characters in the painting in Primavera depicts the chronology of a mythological scene, starting from the far right includes a gloomy blue winged spirit figure called Zephyrus, the personification of the west wind, kidnapping a nymph called Chloris while holding the character next to them called Flora, the goddess of flowers, looking towards the viewer of the painting. On the left of the painting is a group of females with joined hands while dancing are called the three graces. And, at the extreme left is Mercury turning his back to the other characters wearing red drapes armed with a sword while raising his hand pointing towards the groves of oranges. However, according to Kline (2011), "the Primavera will not be understood by first naming its central figure, but rather through a new reading of the other figures in the painted scene and of the event that brings them together." The Primavera needs to be read in accordance to the story that links the characters together. According to the myth as described by Zirpolo (1992), Zephyrus chased down Chloris where as a result of his startled pursuit Chloris expelled a string of flowers in her mouth and transformed into another maiden called Flora whose garment is decorated mainly of dark flowers. According to Kline (2011), Chlori was raped by Zephyrus in spring but don’t really emphasize the advent of spring. Some colored flowers from her dress matched those flowers seen on the ground scattered directly towards the central position direction of Venus that is standing on a higher ground compared to the other characters. Venus is seen with red drapes and bluish clothing where broken arches behind her draw the glimpse of the eyes towards the goddess. After seeing Venus, the viewer’s eyes will next see the figure above the goddess, cupid, which is according to the myth, is the son of Mercury and Venus (Zirpolo, 1992). Cupid is blindfolded and pointing his stretched bow and flaming arrow towards the three graces. The three graces are the handmaidens that accompanied the goddess during her endeavors. The graces were artfully displayed as happily rotating as seem from their dance showing a depiction of their figure from different angles like connecting pieces of the whole image of the individual graces. These compositional conjunctions, as described by Barolsky (2000), seemingly increase as the painting is thoroughly observed. Barolsky (2000) added that the dress of Chlori is visually similar to the dress of the graces on the other side of the painting showing a visual symmetry in colors. Also, the depicted movements of Flora's feet were also reciprocated by the dancing movement of the other graces feet. The graces have raised hands the visually symmetrical to the position of Mercury at the far left side of the painting; but Mercury stand farther apart than the location of the graces while pointing the abundant orange fruits of the tree canopies. Though Mercury is more isolated his bent arm tangentially points at the back of one of the graces showing a slightly conjoining view of the character. This scene shows how a viewer should start to read the visual aesthetic of the painting in order to harmonize the impression of a scattered character placing but is actually connected. Visual analysis The primavera is represents transformation and metamorphosis and a symbolic portrayal of the different kinds of love. According to Lukasik and Marzec (2017), the evolutionary purpose of love is to create a strong connection between couples to leave behind progeny. The stronger the bond the more offspring the parents will have. According to John Lee (as cited by...
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