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Critique on Piano Recital

Essay Instructions:

It's a recital by the outstanding pianist Martha Argerich. She plays the following repertoire:
Sonata in D Minor K.141 by Domenico Scarlatti
Sonata in D Minor for cello and piano by Claude Debussy
(with cellist Misha Maisky)
This work has three movements:
· I. Prologue: Lent, sostenuto e molto risoluto
· II. Sérénade: Modérément animé
· III. Finale: Animé, léger et nerveux
Gaspard de la Nuit by Maurice Ravel
This work has three movements:
· I. Ondine
· II. Le gibet
· III. Scarbo
La valse for 2 pianos by Maurice Ravel
(Martha Argerich and Nelson Freire)​
Critiques should be based on Youtube recital performances selected by your instructor, or live piano recital performances attended during the semester.
If you attend a live recital, you must submit a copy of the paper recital program to your instructor in class.
Your critique should include the following elements:
· The date, time and location of the recital--or the date and time you watched the performance on youtube.
· The name of the performer
· The names and dates of the pieces performed, and the names of the composers who wrote those pieces.
· Did any of the pieces have individual movements (smaller sections) listed on the program?
· What are the meanings of any titles of pieces or titles of movements?
· Compare the styles of the different pieces on the program. How do pieces written earlier in time sound different from pieces written later in time? You should talk about dynamics, tempo, and the ways in which the piano is used. Is the piano used to make song-like melodies, or is it being used for rhythmic effect? Are lots of notes used at the same time, or just a few? Are both rhythm and melody happening at the same time? Be sure to talk about all the pieces on the program.
· From your own knowledge of piano playing so far, describe the physical approach that the performer had to the piano. Describe the performer’s posture, movement, and overall use of their body.
· What parts of the recital did you really like? Why? Be sure to talk about aspects of the music here—talk about the pieces in terms of melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and so on. You can also talk about the performer’s interpretation.
· What parts of the recital did you enjoy less? Why? Again, be sure to give details about the music and the performer.
· One of the main jobs of a pianist is to make sure that the audience can hear the melody (when there is one)—even when there are lots of other things happening in the music. How did this pianist succeed in the pieces on this program?
These critiques will be graded as follows:
Clarity of writing: 5 points
Details of recital and performer: 5 points
Discussion of compositional style
(critique of the music): 10 points
Discussion of the performance
(critique of the performer): 10 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Piano Recital Critique
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Born in June 1941, Martha Argerich is a famous Argentine classical concert pianist. She is popular the world over for her unique style and impressive personality. On Friday, March 29, 2019, I got a chance to view Martha Argerich’s concert on YouTube. It was when I was feeling bored, and I spent nearly 48 minutes enjoying Martha Argerich’s marvelous performance. The first piece she played was Joseph Haydn’s 52nd Sonata in E-Flat Major. Then the lovely lady could be seen playing Robert Schumann’s Opus 11 Sonata in F-Sharp Minor, which caught my attention the most. She also played Scarlatti in an entirely different way.
As the recital moved on, Martha Argerich allowed her hands to fly across the keyboard at a fast speed and with a quick tempo, and this evoked a kind of Tom and Jerry-esque image in my mind. At some places, the tone or volume was down, and at the other places, it went up and up, making me feel excited and rejoiced. I was aware that this specific sonata was written in an entirely different, contredanse style. All in all, it was meant for ballroom dancing. For anyone who is new to all this may never be able to know that this tempo was too quick for them to be able to move their feet on the dance floor. I was excited and surprised to see the way Martha Argerich played in Allegro tempo. I must admire her efforts as she had put all of her energy to make this an incredible piece of performance for the audience.
Moving on, I could find three different movements: Ondine, Le gibbet and Scarbo. The composition style of Martha Argerich deemed to be unique to me, as I saw her slamming her feet down a little hard on the pedals of the piano. I felt that she was doing so to put all of her energy in the performance so that the viewers could like and admire it. The first part of this performance was played cheerfully, and Martha Argerich followed an upbeat albeit irregular style rather than choosing something ordinary ...
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