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Party City Holdco Incorporation

Essay Instructions:

This paper should have 3 part. And the company should analyze is PARTY CITY HOLDCO INC. Party City is an American publicly traded retail chain of party supply stores.In compliance with the communicative and critical thinking goals of the class, you will be required to submit a research paper (a.k.a Company Analysis) covering a publicly traded company assigned at the beginning of the semester. The paper will adhere to a pre-described format. Failure to complete the Assignment will be regarded as a failure to meet the requirements of the course and will result in an overall final grade of an “F”. Your task will be to review and analyze the company from an investor’s perspective. You may not change companies or switch companies with anyone. The use of “Headers,” and/or Footers is expressly prohibited. Do NOT include any graphs or tables as part of the body of any section or final paper. Those should be attachments and may be referenced in the body of the paper. There must be a separate paragraph for each of the 3 elements identified below.

In-text citations are allowed. DO NOT use footnotes. Be advised, this is a change to the Syllabus.
Company Overview Section (representing 25 points of the total assignment’s grade). This section must be at least 1⅔ pages in length. This section will include discussions pertaining to:

Company History – when did they start, who started the company, what did they originally do as a business?

Current Operations - What does the company do, where do they make their money? What are the Significant Operational Divisions and/or Significant Products, and/or Significant Ownership stakes – who owns the company?

Current Financial Stability – Are they making money or do they have a positive cash flow?

Ratio Analysis - REQUIRED - Price Earnings, Earnings per Share, and Dividend Yield.

You MUST compare each of these ratios with either Competitors or Industry

Essay Sample Content Preview:
PARTY CITY HOLDCO INCORPORATION Name: Date: Course: Company Overview Party City was established by Steve Mandell in 1986. Mandell was the son of a merchant and grew up with dreams of establishing his personal store. When It was time to depart for his career, he started out as the sales personnel of a manufacturing company. Between the period of 1972 through 1986, he worked as the managing director of a marketing company that was engaged in the business of selling products such as school items, writing materials along with party items. It is during this period that he identified an opportunity or business gap that he thought he would venture into. After much thought and consideration, Steve made a decision to venture and specialize in the establishment when he eventually left employment. Armed with 125,000 dollars in savings, he started a retail store in East Hanover, New Jersey and called it Party City. The business was very successful from the first instant that in just one year, Steve was in yet another plan of opening a second store. Current Operations The organization operates via retail and wholesale fragments. Its retail undertakings or ventures generate income fundamentally via the sale the company's Amscan, design ware, Anagram as well as costumes. Party City retails these products through their USA party supplies store, Halloween city stores along with its online platform PartCity.com. On the other hand, the company generates its income from sale its products for all events in wholesale. The goods include paper and tableware, Costumes, accessories and novelties, metallic and latex balloons along with stationaries. The organization's goods are sold at wholesale to superstores selling party products, franchise stores, various party items retailers, mass clients, dollar stores and various sellers and suppliers all over the world. Currently, the Park City Network comprises over 900 stores in the United States and an estimated 50 stores in Canada. Park City further runs several e-commerce platforms, predominantly under its dominant name trademark ParkCity.com. Company ownership Shares The company is owned by various institutional and retail investors like "Party City Holdco's stock is owned by a variety of institutional and retail investors. Top institutional shareholders include Copper Rock Capital Partners LLC (2.00%), Thompson Investment Management Inc. (0.28%), Rhumbline Advisers (0.08%), Gilman Hill Asset Management LLC (0.04%), Strs Ohio (0.03%) and IFP Advisors Inc (0.02%)," among other individual member shareholders like its CEO Mr. James M. Harrison. Current financial stability As per the second quarter of 2018 report, the company is very stable and records a vertical graph in its financial stability. During the release of the report, the CEO Mr. James Harrison stated that" I am pleased with the solid second-quarter results that were in-line with our expectations on both the top and bottom line. In the quarter, we delivered 3% topline growth, grew income from operations by almost 8% and increased Adjusted EPS 43%. These results again demonstrate the strength of our vertical model, the continued benefit of our cost discipline and productivity initiatives combined with operational progress on all fronts, reinforcing our position as a world-class vertical retailer." Ratio Analysis Further, from the second quarter 2018 financial report, Party City Holdco Inc quarterly earnings were as follows: "The specialty retailer reported $0.08 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $0.17 by $0.09. The specialty retailer earned $553 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $591.77 million. Party City Holdco had a net margin of 8.70% and a return on equity of 14.86%. The business's revenue for the quarter was down 1.3% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.13 EPS." This according to the CEO was fairly satisfactory compared to the current state of the industry. For instance, Party city recorded a 1.6% shareholder return compared to Home depot which recorded a 1.4% shareholder return. Further is performed better than its other competitor the Lowe's Companies which recorded a 1.5% shareholder return. Significant Organizational Issues Among the most consequential matters the company will be handling or is handling this year, is the trade deal they signed with the online retail giant Amazon.com. To supplement its numerous retailing stores in the world along with its online retail platform, Party City has in the recent days signed a deal with Amazon to pilot the sale of its party products through the online giant. According to its CEO Mr. James Harrison, the company targets to reach a broader segment of customers that are creating more and more traffic on the online mall, Amazon.com. Further, he depicts that the organization's main target will be the selling of Halloween costumes particularly during this year's Halloween festival. This is attributed to the fact that; the sale of these costumes has been the greatest income generator for the company having hit a record of 9.1 billion U.S dollars in 2017. According to Mr. Harrison, Party City will continue to actively operate its online platform. Nevertheless, Amazon.com program creates a supplementary store that enables Party City to leverage on its vigorous production and distribution potentials. Secon...
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