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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
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The Importance of Financial Plan in Money Management

Essay Instructions:

You are advising the couple Bill and Teri Pugh. They have come to you for your wealth management advice.

For the written component, you are to draft a financial plan for the Pughs - including a section discussing where they are now, what the goals are, and how you recommend that they accomplish these goals. I would expect this portion of the assignment to be a minimum of 8 pages . This should be typed with 11 sized Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced, 1 inch margins on all sides, and any external information should be footnoted (with any style you are comfortable - APA, MLA, etc.). It should be completed and turned in on Microsoft Word.

need graphs, charts, and title pages

The Story of Bill and Teri Pugh. Background Information: Bill Pugh was born April 15, 1971 in southern Alabama. Teri O’Shea was born March 23, 1971 in Niagra, NY. While attending school at the University of Southwestern Kentucky, Bill and Teri began dating and were married on September 12, 1998. They have no children. Bill has been employed as an attorney for a small credit union since June 1, 1998. Bill currently earns $40,000 per year from the credit union. Bill is also employed as a Professor at Arkansas State University. He has been employed for 9 years at ASU. Bill earns $100,000 per year from ASU. Teri is also employed at Arkansas State University and earns $30,000 per year. The couple has no other sources of income. Bill’s credit union employer and ASU provide health insurance for Bill. ASU provides Teri with health insurance. Bill purchases dental and vision insurance from the credit union for Teri and himself for $32.15 per month (pre-tax). The credit union provides life insurance for Bill as long as he works for the credit union equal to his pre-tax salary from the credit union. ASU provides life insurance for Teri equal to her pre-tax salary, as well as to Bill. Bill purchased an additional policy from ASU for $28.19 per month that is equal to 2 times his current salary. Bill has $23,412.87 in a retirement account through the credit union. The credit union offers a $1 to $1 match up to four percent (4%) of the employee’s salary. The investment into the retirement account would occur pre-tax. Bill does not take advantage of this benefit. The account is invested in a mutual fund that invests in high growth stocks. Bill is a member of the Arkansas Teachers’ Retirement System. On a pre-tax basis, 8% of Bill’s salary is automatically invested into the retirement system, while the University invests an additional 12%. Bill may retire at any point after he reaches the age of 63. Bill’s retirement annuity will be calculated in one of two ways: (1) Option A for Bill is that he will receive an amount each year equal to (the number of years employed) x (the average of his annual salary for his three highest paid years of working) x (2.1%) until Bill dies; or (2) Option B for Bill is that he will receive an amount each year equal to (the number of years employed) x (the average of his annual salary for his three highest paid years of working) x (1.65%) until the later of (a) Bill dies or (b) Teri dies. For example, if an employee works for 26 years; has the three highest annual salaries in that 26-year period of $45,000.00, $50,000.00, and $55,000.00; and chooses option A, then the employee would earn (26) x (50,000) x 2.1% = $27,300 per year until that person dies. Teri has an investment account where she invests 8% of her pre-tax incomes (and ASU matches it with 10% of her income) into a retirement account. She currently has $29,412.91 in the account. The account is invested in a mutual fund that mirrors the S&P 500. The Pughs own a home in Jonesboro, AR. The 1500 square feet home was purchased brand new in 2009 by the Pughs for $150,000. The Pughs financed the home with a FHA-mortgage (2% down payment, mortgage insurance required, first home) that carried a 4.5% fixed rate. The monthly payments are $1,000. The Pughs currently owe $136,725.61 on the home and appraises for $155,000. Bill owns a 2017 SUV that was financed at a rate of 5% and monthly payments of $450. He owes 62 (of the 78 original) payments. Teri owns a 2016 SUV that was financed at a rate of 5% and monthly payments of $500. She owes 61 (of the 78 original) payments. The SUVs have a total market value today of $45,000. Bill has 3 credit cards that have a 19.98% interest rate and currently have a balance of $2,013, $6,271, and $9,883. Teri has 1 credit card that has a 9.99% interest rate and currently has a balance of $10,655.17. Non-home and vehicle assets for the couple includes furniture ($12,000), jewelry ($2,500), electronics ($4,750), collectibles ($27,000) and miscellaneous items ($8,000). Their checking account has $9,814.76 in it. They have no other accounts. Neither person has a will, but the other person is listed as the beneficiary for all of the accounts and insurance policies. The Future: Bill and Teri enjoy what they do, but at some point, they do want to retire. They would like to work until they are 65, then retire. Upon retirement, they would like to move to eastern Tennessee in the mountains. Tennessee has no state income tax. They would like to downsize into a small cabin with about 1000 square feet (average price for property in that area is $90 - $105 per square foot). Bill wants to make sure Teri is cared for if he were to die before her. Bill and Teri believe that their Social Security funds would be enough to pay for their living expenses (food, utilities, and health insurance), but want to be able to travel 4-5 times per year both domestically and internationally. Upon their death, they would like to endow a travel scholarship for students at ASU. The minimum amount required to endow is $25,000.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Financial Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Financial Plan
Managing one's money during their retirement may get a little easier than ever before since the options are limited and more straightforward (Drew & West, 2016). However, the rules of money management during retirement may appear complicated to some people. When it comes to tax savings, every penny counts. Since every retirement account, one has maybe taxed. Differently, it is therefore important to be strategic with how one makes withdraws. Since tax issues are complicated, it is crucial that one identifies what is best for them (Drew & West, 2016). One of the reasons one should work with an expert financial advisor is to ensure tax efficiency. Besides, having someone who has experience particularly to income tax and retirement drawdown techniques will help come up with a good retirement financial plan.
Bill Pugh and Teri O’Shea have enough savings to carry them through their retirement period comfortably. For instance, besides, ASU offering health and life insurance for both, Bill has also purchased another policy from ASU which is two times his salary (Finkie & Blanchett, 2016). He has managed to save $23,412.87 in a retirement account whereby, the union also contributes to him at a rate of 4% of the employee’s salary. Besides, this account has been invested in a fund that invests in stocks. Additionally, he is in a Teacher’s Retirement System, and the University also makes some contributions to the same.
On the other hand, Teri also has an investment account where she also invests and has some money therein. The couple has a home, and both have Sports utility vehicles which were financed at different rates (Finkie & Blanchett, 2016). The market value for their SUV’s is still reasonable if they decided to sell them off. Also, they have four credit cards which have different interest rates.
Action Plan
Creation of Retirement Income
Home equity is one of the things that can help out Bill and Teri since they own a home. Their home can be their most significant source of wealth, and that wealth can be used to help in retirement, for instance, they can choose to downsize and move to a relatively cheap area since their current home is too large for their retirement needs.
Since Bill and Teri have been conscious of retirement and have been saving up for it, then it is time to maximise the returns on investments (Kim & Hanna, 2016). Although most financial experts will advise that once one is almost retiring they should worry less on returns and focus on figuring out how their retirement assets could be converted into reliable retirement income. However, studies show that the retirees who have invested and are creating retirement income are more fulfilled and happier as compared to those who just make some unpredictable withdrawals (Kim & Hanna, 2016). One of the ways that Bill and Teri can convert their retirement savings into a retirement income stream is through annuities.
However, it is important that Bill and Teri understand the concept of the annuity before they embark on it. An annuity is some fixed payments for an extended period. The main goal of annuities if to offer a constant stream of income starting immediately or at some point in one's future (Kim & Hanna, 2016). Based on the type of annuity that one selects, the payments can be made in several ways. For instance, one can make a lump-sum payment and later receive some pay-outs from the insurance company for some years or during one’s lifetime; alternatively, one may also choose to send some payments to the insurer and will later receive disbursements for a specific time. For each of the methods, there is a rate of return.
For Bill and Teri, an annuity that has an established rate of return is better as compared to one that indicates the rate of return that is subject to fluctuation.
Carry Out Some Trade-Offs.
Bill and Teri need to understand what is important to them at this particular point. They should drop the attitude of I want it all now. At this stage, they already understand what their preferences are. For example, it is evident that travelling after retirement is something important to them and therefore, this can help minimise their expenses on other irrelevant things and focus on it (Marcus, 2015). In this case, they choose...
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