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Budget Planning And Control, Critical Elements Of Performance

Essay Instructions:

Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video.

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=frh3I2rVDzsBabycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a three to four (3 – 4) page paper in which you address the following.

Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a three to four (3 – 4) page paper in which you address the following.

Briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus having no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation.

Prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the 4th quarter of 2016. Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December, and a total for the quarter. Use one-half of the Valentine’s Day sales as the basis for a usual day in the new quarter. Use 30 days for each month. Calculate the total sales for each month for October, November, and December.

Create three (3) new products, one (1) for each of the three (3) holiday seasons in the 4th quarter. Estimate the sales units, sales price, and total sales for each month. Describe the assumptions used to make these estimates. Include an overview of the budget in the report, presenting the actual budget as an appendix with all data and calculations. Add these amounts to your sales budget.

The owner of Babycakes is interested in preparing a flexible budget rather than the static budget she currently uses. She does not understand why, when sales increase, her static budget often shows an unfavorable variance. Explain how a flexible budget will overcome this problem. Use the details of your newly prepared budget for the 4th quarter of 2016 to address her concern.

Imagine that Babycakes is facing a financial challenge that is causing the actual amount of money that it spends to become significantly more than its budgeted amount. Include a discussion of your own unique cause of the overspending. Explain the corrective actions needed to address these challenges.

Integrate relevant information from at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

An abstract is not required.

Cover page include:

Budget Planning and Control(Title)


Dr. Walfyette Powell(professor)


March 4th, 2019(DUE date)

Reference Page Apa format!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Budget planning and Control
Student`s Name
Budget Planning and Control
Currently, planning, budgeting, and forecasting are critical elements of performance management in small, medium and large corporations. A fully integrated performance management agenda essentially provides corporate visibility of activities that drive growth as well as resource allocation (Swan, 2010). However, there has been an increased rate of failure among business attributed to inadequate planning amidst the stiff competitive business world (Needham, 2016). Budget and a budgetary process is a significant tool of effective budget planning and helps to determine costs and revenue.
Comprehensive and realistic budget plays a role in guiding business and providing information necessary for present operations and predicting future challenges and ultimately turnaround for profits. According to Needham (2016), a budget is a measurable expression of a projected plan of action by business management for a specified period with guidelines on the implementation of such programs. Budgets can be categorized into sales, production, purchase budget, expenditure cash, master, zero-based budget and flexible budget (Hampton, 2011). Traditionally, the budgeting system was a tool used managing and controlling businesses, although, the primary role remains unmoved, modern day budget planning and control have contributed to delivering the future long-term strategy.
First, the budget as a planning tool acts as an essential background between the business and its finances. A budget combines past trends and realistic estimates for an accounting year; the result helps establish a thorough explanation of the assets, expected revenues and how they tally against the estimated expenses (Hampton, 2011). For instance, Babycakes through the use of budget planning and control helps in determining company performance and instill discipline in spending. Therefore, the organization can evaluate the strengths, weakness, threats, and weakness.
Second, financial plans help to determine goals and objectives as well as establishing business priorities. Budgets identify the source of funds for executing laid down strategies and the expected rate of return on investment (Needham, 2016). For instance, high priority items that generate more revenue should be allocated more funds and fewer resources to the low priority items. As a result, it reduces wastages as well as improving efficiency (Swan, 2010). In the case of baby cakes, excess production of cakes leads to oversupply for the day, which in turn leads to the cakes disposed at a loss.
Third, budgets as a tool for planning and control helps in employee motivation. Budgets have impacts on personal attitude and performance (Needham, 2016). A well-structured budget should be all inclusive to all the participants affected by the budget. According to Swan (2010), these workers are more knowledgeable about the products and underlying issues in the operations line of the business. An illustration in Babycakes is Donald’s which has different emotional reactions to the customers. When the employees participate in the budget formulation, they effectively adopt the goals and objectives. For example, Babycakes, customer-employee helps unveil the customer needs. Consequently, the employees become knowledgeable hence involving them in the crafting of the budget will help to improve their motivation as opposed to imposing a budget to them.
Sales budget.
October NovemberDecember
Daily Expected unit sales2,250 2,250 2,250
Multiply by 30 days to get units sold monthly 67,500 67,500 67,500
Multiply by sales price $3.50 $3.50 $3.50
Total estimated sales$236,250 $236,250 $ 236,250
October ...
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