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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Ethics in Taxation. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Essay

Essay Instructions:

The accounting professional considers ethics to be a fundamental expectation of professionals, especially those with the CPA designation. Taxation is a specialty within the accounting profession where there is a propensity for clients to hide or falsify information or the tax professional to encourage such behavior. For this assignment, you will address three aspects of taxation and ethics. Your paper should be between 500-750 words and address the following items:

Discuss the legal and ethical aspects of accurately reporting income on tax returns using Circular 230 as published by the Department of Treasury (located in the study materials). Discuss at least two items in Section B on Duties and Restrictions and the consequences to tax preparers if they fail to adhere to the guidelines as provided by the Department of Treasury. In your discussion, provide a summary of the items along with examples of the application of the two items in professional practice.

Compare the concepts of "tax avoidance" and "tax evasion." In your comparison, include examples of each to show the distinction. Use the information you gathered from Circular 230 or refer to the AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTSs) (www(dot)aicpa(dot)org) to support the distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion.

Discuss how ethics in taxation can correlate to the Christian worldview. In other words, what guidance from a Biblical perspective could be applied to preparation of tax returns for clients? Refer to the GCU website and documents related to Christian worldview in the study materials for assistance on this assignment.

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Ethics in Taxation
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Ethics in Taxation
The accounting practice and service has grown over years making frequent circulars and updates necessary. The exponential growth of enterprise across borders and into new activity areas has, moreover, expanded mandates and raised bars accounting practitioners are expected to comply by and meet. Indeed, of many professions, accounting is more prone to legal and ethical reviews and examination. Unsurprisingly, professional conduct, legally abiding and ethically compliant, and ethics are front and center of accounting practice and service. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues periodic circulars in order to ensure practitioners, on review and client sides, are up to date and well informed of best practices. The significance of such circulars cannot be overemphasized. If anything, maintaining a sense of practice and service excellence is apt not only to make integral and internalized optimum standards in routine practices but, perhaps more importantly, emphasize ethics as equally significant, if not sometimes more so (as shown in a discussion on connections between taxation and Christian worldview), to optimum professional standards. Two issues mentioned in Circular No. 230 (Treasury Department, 2014) are, for current purposes, of primary interest: (1) knowledge of client’s omission and (2) solicitation. This paper aims, accordingly, to discuss “knowledge of client’s omission” and “solicitation,” included in Treasury Department's Circular No. 230, in order show legal and ethical consequences of failure to comply by practitioners, offer some practical examples, compare “tax avoidance” and “tax evasion,” and finally, explore connections between taxation and Christian worldview from a Biblical perspective.
In Circular No. 230, practitioners are explicitly urged to promptly advise clients on any identified instances of error or omission “from any return, document, affidavit, or other paper


which the client submitted or executed under the revenue laws of the United States” (Treasury Department, 2014, p. 19). Failing to do so might subject a practitioner to legal liability on grounds of willful, reckless or gross incompetence. Ethically, a practitioner doing so is questionable on grounds of professional integrity and fairness. In practice, a practitioner may, for example, choose, willfully, to make a tax report submitted by a taxpayer appear complete in return for any material or in kind gains.
For solicitation, practitioners are similarly prohibited from soliciting uninvited services: A practitioner may not, with respect to any Internal Revenue Service matter, in any way use or participate in the use of any form of public communication or private solicitation containing a false, fraudulent, or coercive statement or claim; or a misleading or deceptive stateme...
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