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Regulating Insider Trading in A Globalized Market

Essay Instructions:

Can u pls send me the topic of this essay after u decided.

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Corporate Finance Technical Foundations assignment

The CISI Education Trust Award

Each year the CISI asks us to nominate one of the students on the Corporate Finance Technical Foundations module for the CISI Education Trust Award. This year we will choose our nominated student as follows: Students with the best grades will be invited to an interview, with me and another colleague. In the interview we will ask you some questions on your assignment report, and some further questions on a selected topic of current interest. Candidates will be given the selected topic around a week before the interviews. Our nominated student will be the one who performs best in the interview.

Please read the requirements of the assignment carefully, and please see Arief if you have any questions about the assignment.

What the assignment is about

In the CFTF module there is a strong emphasis on employability. As a finance professional you should have an intelligent and informed view on important things that are going on in finance, the global economy, politics, and, in particular, on professional ethics, financial regulation, sustainability, and the role of professional bodies. This assignment gives you the opportunity to go through the process of thinking through and developing your own intelligent and informed views on financial regulation, business ethics, and the role of professional bodies such as the CISI and CFA.


In the CFTF module there is a strong emphasis on employability. Employers tell us that graduates are very good on academic material. However, in interviews, when they are asked to give their opinions on what is going on in the real world they are often unprepared. One of the aims of the assignment is to help you to be well-prepared when discussing real world issues related to financial regulation, business ethics, and the role of professional bodies.

Requirement of the assignment

Write an essay of 1,500 words on selected important issues in financial regulation, business ethics, sustainability, and the role of professional bodies in the financial services sector.

It is important that you read the rest of this assignment for guidance on how you should go about addressing these issues.

Some background

This section is based on lecture video How to Study for your Corporate Finance Technical Foundations module in Topic 1 on the Moodle page. Please review this material when going through this section of the assignment.

The decades leading up to the financial crisis of 2008 saw a decline in standards of ethical conduct in finance and banking. Some commentators date this from as far back as the ‘leveraging of corporate America’ during the 1980s.

Typical of this unethical behaviour was the conduct of banks and other financial institutions in the US sub-prime market. A NINJA loan was a mortgage advanced to someone with No Income, No Assets and No Job. These loans were originated by unscrupulous salespersons to poor Americans who had virtually no chance of maintaining payments on the loan. Many of the sub-prime sellers were themselves people with few qualifications or job prospects. They saw it as their first opportunity to have a ‘proper’ career type job in the prestigious field of finance.

The banks lending the money charged low interest rates for the first couple of years, after which the rate would rise to levels that many borrowers would be unable to service.

Not wanting to be stuck with these loans on their books when they went sour, the banks re-packaged the loans into mortgage-backed bonds. For example, a bond issue might be backed by 10,000 mortgages; the interest on the mortgages was passed through to the bond-holders.

Bond rating agencies rated these toxic bonds AAA. A loop-hole in the regulations made this possible, provided the bond also contained a ‘sufficiently large’ proportion of genuine AAA securities. Bond rating agencies are paid by the bond issuer, in this case the banks issuing the toxic debt instruments.

These bonds were sold to other banks, pension funds, and insurance companies around the world, including to Japanese, Asian, UK, US and European institutions.

The NINJA borrowers were not always innocent victims either. This was a period in which the residential property market in the US was in a bubble. Many NINJA borrowers reasoned as follows: If the housing market doesn’t crash, in two years time the house I bought for $150,000 I can sell for $300,000. If the market does crash I’ll have nothing, but I already have nothing, so why not take the chance?

Other causes of the 2008 crisis

Neo-classical economics has dominated academic and professional economics and finance at least since the 1980s. It has always been one of the central theoretical frameworks in economics, and is still the dominant theory today.

The central assumption of neo-classical economics is a theory of human nature, namely, that a human being is essentially a rational self-interested decision maker. This is the so-called homo economicus model.

There are many other theories of human nature, including from disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and theology, for example, as in Islamic economics and other faith-based economic theories. However, neo-classical economics remains by far the most wide-spread and influential framework in economics.

It has been suggested that teaching economics students that the key to living a good life is to be a rational self-interested economic decision maker is not necessarily going to be a great help in maintaining high standards of ethical behaviour in the economics and finance professions.

Neo-classical economists have exerted immense influence, not only in the academy, but also in corporations, banks and government. The great waves of de-regulation since the 1980s were justified by neoclassical economists on the grounds that rational self-interested economic agents do not need regulators to protect them. They should be smart enough to look after themselves.

The response of governments and regulators to the financial crisis – Organisations such as the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, CISI, have been around since long before the 2008 crisis. However, since the financial crisis they have come into far greater prominence.

One of the responses of governments and regulators to the crisis has been to move towards making finance into a profession, with high standards of professional competence, honesty and integrity set by, maintained and enforced by mandated professional bodies. There are now statutory obligations for practitioners in finance to hold the professional finance qualifications relevant to their job role, both in the UK and throughout the world.

A long term aim of such professional bodies is to change the culture of the finance industry in order that it may better serve the needs of society.

Further guidance on assignment requirements

There is no one correct answer

There is no one correct answer. In particular, you do not have to agree with the remarks in the preceding sections. More than that, there are zero marks to be gained by agreeing with the above remarks or agreeing with what you think the lecturer thinks. For example, you may write an essay in support of the neo-classical economics world view. You may argue that free markets should be left to themselves. For example, you may argue that if people want professional bodies the free market will deliver them without any interference from governments.

At the other extreme, you may take the view that it is obvious that government mandated professional bodies and professional ethical standards are a good thing, so obvious that you do not need to argue for it, and focus your discussion on the practical problems of developing and implementing these standards.

Your essay should be forward looking

You should give some brief background on how you think we got where we are today. You should also spend some time discussing the current situation. However, the main focus of your essay should be forward looking. This is the part that gives you the most scope for critical discussion. Here you can address questions such as; how are regulations, business ethics, and the role of professional bodies developing? How do you think things should be developing? What are the challenges and opportunities for the future?

Critical discussion

The high grades are for critical discussion. Critical discussion means that you back up the claims you are making with arguments and evidence. This is what we mean by developing an intelligent and well-informed view. You have thought through the issues, you have decided what you think are the most important issues, you have worked out what you think about these issues, and you can back up your opinions with good arguments and evidence, and you have good arguments and evidence against opposing positions.

Take a critical approach to the role of professional bodies as well

Do not make your essay a marketing document for professional finance bodies. There are a number of criticisms of professional bodies. For example, some claim that professional bodies, at least to some extent, act in the interests of their members, rather than in the interests of society. For example, the requirement to hold professional qualifications puts up barriers to entry into the profession, and helps to maintain the high salaries of existing members. Other critics claim that professional bodies add further layers of unnecessary regulation, which adversely affects economic growth. In other words, be critical, and support your claims with arguments and evidence.

Take an international/global approach

Some useful sites are the CISI online resources you will have access to as a student member. Also, other websites, such as the CFA website and the website of the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s main financial regulatory body, may be useful.

But don’t just take a UK focus. Professional bodies such as CISI and CFA are global, and their ethical standards are promoted by these bodies round the world. So don’t make your essay just about the UK.

So what is the purpose of this assignment?

The point of the assignment is for you to go through the process of identifying and thinking through what you consider to be the most important issues, and to form your own intelligent and informed point of view.

A distinction level answer is one that demonstrates that you could hold an intelligent and informed discussion with a financial professional, regulator, government official, or informed member of the public.

It is part of the professional development of every financial professional to go through this process, and to hold an informed opinion on what you consider to be the essential issues on financial regulation, business ethics, and the role of professional bodies in the financial services sector.

Word limit – 1,500 words.

Hand in date – Before 23.55 Friday 11 December 2020.

Submission – Turnitin.

Grade – This assignment is worth 50% of the total mark for the Corporate Finance Technical Foundations module.

Feedback – You should discuss your assignment with Arief. There are many approaches you can take in answering the assignment. Check with Arief that the approach you are taking is a reasonable one.

Can u pls send me the topic of this essay after u decided.

I need to hand in the topic name first

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Regulating Insider Trading in A Globalized Market
Institutional Affiliation
Regulating Insider Trading in A Globalized Market
Globalization is among the various aspects that define our economies in the 21st century. It involves processes that work together to unify the various components of the global economy via intensified telecommunication networks across the world. Globalization is highly associated with the improvement in economic conditions and living standards in various parts of the world, as witnessed in the past few decades (Guo, 2017). With the help of telecommunication technologies, globalization is gradually eroding political, social, and geographical boundaries. It has created a collection of knowledge and a worldwide market space where insider trading can take place. Globalization is gradually transforming the nature, scope, and manner of conducting business transactions in our society. Advanced innovations in logistics, media, and communication have initiated the development of stronger global interconnection of fundamental social aspects. The paper explores recent developments on insider trading and its regulation in a globalized economy.
Insider trading refers to the use of a firm's non-public information for personal interests in the securities market. A corporate insider is a person who, by employment or other associations, has the privilege to access valuable information regarding internal affairs (Dalko & Wang, 2016). Corporate insiders can be the firm's executives, directors, consultants, lawyers, or accountants, among others. Inside information comprises information that is non-public and material. Once such information is publicly disclosed, it may affect the prices of a company's securities such as stocks (Diamond, 2020). The use of unequally acquired and distributed information in transactions is common and often legal in real estate, commodities, and labor markets.
Insider trading faces several objections. It violates the fiduciary duties that corporate employees are agents who owe to their principals, the shareholders (Cheng, Liu, & Zhang, 2020). The managers control the production and disclosure of inside information, and can easily conspire to initiate transactions based on self-interests. From an economic perspective, insider trading is prohibited because of its adverse effects on the securities market and a company's value (Diamond, 2020). Despite the perceived adverse effects of inside trading, corporate organizations have done to prevent inside trading. It was until recently when firms began to show interest in prohibiting inside trading following federal directives. Although the field is currently under federal regulations, only a few insider trading prohibitions have been enforced and have had an insignificant effect on the issue (Davis, 2016). Studies indicate that insider trading has become a widespread and profitable affair in the recent past. Insiders have managed to outperform the market, by continuously developing new ways of evading the set regulations.
The Influence of Globalization and Technology On Insider Trading
Today, economic and financial global integration is greatly influenced by the dynamics of production, networking, and communication technologies. The primary social impact of globalization is the widespread and intense development of inequalities. Various dimensions of globalization push market systems to operate in a manner that eventually generates winners and losers in society. It is important to acknowledge that insider trading takes place in this new global environment. Due to globalization, many companies have entered the global market. Corporate governance currently works beyond territorial barriers to cater to diverse national and cultural values (Dai, Fu, Kang, & Lee, 2012). In such a scenario, the most important concern for multinational corporations would be on how they are governed while taking into account the interest of not only their directors and shareholders but also those of the entire society. Corporate insiders often act in a manner that promotes their welfare with little regard for the welfare of outsiders. Corporate globalization opens borders to protect the interests and rights of minority investor groups by creating effective corporate governance (Hodgson, Seamer, & Uylangco, 2020). Better governance benefits all business partners, including owners and investors, by eliminating the conditions that encourage misuse of inside information. Corporations in the global market are usually regulated by local or national laws, which makes it difficult to resolve global insider trading issues.
Modern telecommunication technologies have created endless electronic or digital space (cyberspace). Unlike the traditional territorial borders, cyberspace is bounded by screens and passwords and has no physical barriers (Zekos, 2012). Cyberspace works just like any other marketplace where corporations can exploit their business interests privately. It overcomes the traditional territorial borders by creating electronic sovereignty based on states' cyberspace territories. Cyberspace creates a new global economic dimension that values economic sovereignty, recognizes international law, promotes global security programs, and empowers non-governmental organizations. Electronic or cyber-space territory and advanced technological innovations can be used to invade states with inferior technology (Smith, Jones, Johnson, & Smith, 2019). These pose a threat to the sovereignty of countries with inferior technology and infringe efforts to regulate global inside trading.
Modern telecommunication networks are transforming organizational structures in the global market. They are replacing hierarchies and markets as the basic form of economic organization. The nature and flow of information within organizations has changed drastically owing to the revolution in information technology. Nowadays, firms are utilizing the opportunity to implement transaction-based and decision support systems in their logistics to increase their competitiveness and market dominance (Cheng, Liu, & Zhang, 2020). Similarly, companies can use such systems to organize and manage the flow of information on financial securities to reduce insider trading. Electronic management and transmission of information eliminate the time advantage of every inside who could be a potential direct or indirect player in insider trading (Davis, 2016). Also, it has transformed the nature and amount of information which...
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