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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
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Asian American study podcast. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please write a short paragraph introducing the history of how finance had changed for Asian Americans. Talk about the research (bibliography) we had. Using statistics and facts to introduce how financial situations are reflected in different perspectives. Such as Job opportunities, personal income. Connect these stats to the class content for a little bit.

This paragraph is used for a podcast sketch. Please make sure to cite the source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Asian American Studies
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Asian American Studies
The Asian American group is one of the major ethnic groups increasing in population in the United States (U.S) despite the racial struggles and inequalities. Researchers have identified them to have higher education and more wealth with time since the government included Asian American studies in college curriculums. The discipline examines the history, culture, and policies that the Asian Americans and other interested students require to broaden their view on diversity to interact with everyone. This essay introduces how finance changed for Asian Americans, and the way researchers review the financial situations.
Asian Americans are the highest-income, with the best education, and the fastest-growing race in the U.S. The Asian Americans’ wealth comes from their hard work from historical hard labour with little pay to taking their career success with vitality, unlike most Americans. Thus they changed their financial status to a better one. Statisti...
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