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Balance between civil liberties and security measures

Essay Instructions:

INSTRUCTIONS: How should the intelligence community balance civil liberties and security in intelligence activities? NOTE TO WRITER PLEASE WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. NO PARAPHRASING OR QUOTATIONS. THANKS!

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Balance between civil liberties and security measures
Balancing civil liberties and security matters in the intelligence community needs to look into the place of privacy as one of the civil liberties. Privacy is one of the contentious issues in intelligence programs especially surveillance, and hence should be one of the main focus in striking a balance with intelligence. Immigration policy and the War on Terror have renewed the debate on place of civil liberties in security matters. Within the legal framework, the intelligence community should follow due process in obtaining evidence. Nonetheless, balancing civil liberties and security depends on public trust, based on what people perceive as being the threat level and subsequent government efforts in dealing with threats.
To maintain the balance between civil liberties and intelligence, the intelligence community should hand over information to the law enforcement agencies. Restrictions on information sharing between the intelligence community and law enforcers means that it is highly likely than information is obtained in ways that infringe on civil liberties. Furthermore, the intelligence community should rely on statues that give them power to conduct their intelligence investigations in accordance with the constitutional. The constitution guarantees freedom and civil liberties and in the event that there is a conflict between civil liberties and intelligence, relying on statues that make exemptions for high security threat is the best option.
To eliminate the possibility of civil liberties violations, the intelligence community should work within a framework that respects civil liberty in policy formulation. In essence, this extends to dealing with complains on civil liberties violations re...
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