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Border Security, Port Security, Intelligence & Homeland Security

Essay Instructions:

INFO Assess the importance of Port Management Security. 1. What is meant by the collaborations between port security and enforcement operations? 2. What are the challenges of collaboration in managing port security operations? 3. What is a "Dirty Bomb" (describe)? 4. What are the priorities detailed in the 2012 DNI Threat Assessment Report Final Unclassified? Textbook to use Christopher, Kenneth. Port Security Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2009 (ISBN # 13: 978-1-4200-6893-1) e-book. Chapter 13 (pages, 265-279) Essay two (350 words) Describe the SMART Port Security Legislation, the SAFE Port Act, and the Small Vessel Security Strategy. 1) Describe the following: a) The SMART Port Security Legislation. b) The SAFE Port Act. c) The Small Vessel Security Strategy? Resources to use Committee on Homeland Security. House Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee Passes SMART Port Security Legislation, March 27, 2012. http://homeland(dot)house(dot)gov/press-release/house-homeland-security-border-and-maritime-security-subcommittee-passes-smart-port Public Law 109–347. The SAFE Port Act, 2006. October 13, 2006. http://www(dot)gpo(dot)gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-109publ347/pdf/PLAW-109publ347.pdf Small Vessel Security Strategy. Department of Homeland Security, April 2008. http://www(dot)dhs(dot)gov/xlibrary/assets/small-vessel-security-strategy.pdf Essay three (500 words) Discuss U.S. intelligence oversight. Is the process sufficient? If not, how should it be changed? Resources to use Riley, John and Schneider, Mary Kate. “Congressional Oversight of U.S. Intelligence.” In Homeland security and intelligence, edited by Logan, Keith. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2010. http://ezproxy(dot)apus(dot)edu/login?url=http://psi(dot)praeger(dot)com/doc.aspx?d=/books/gpg/C9095C/C9095C-1079.xml Randol, M. (2010). The Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise: Operational Overview and Oversight Challenges for Congress. Retrieved from http://www(dot)fas(dot)org/sgp/crs/homesec/R40602.pdf Note to writer: PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES/CITATIONS AT THE END OF EACH ANSWER. ALSO STATE THE QUESTION AND THE ANSWER FOLLOWS. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Border security, port security, intelligence & homeland security
What is meant by the collaborations between port security and enforcement operations?
To ensure that there is ample security at port facilities, port security occurs together with enforcement operations within ports and maritime environments. This integrates maritime security and maritime law enforcement which seeks to ensure that American borders are secure. In essence, border patrols and the police are charged with ensuring that the security of port facilities runs well by coordinating and administrating over port facilities to ensure they are viable.
Christopher, Kenneth. Port Security Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
What are the challenges of collaboration in managing port security operations?
To ensure that there is collaboration in managing port security operations, it is necessary to highlight on the role of communication, political obstacles in allocating risk based resources and the need for strategic thinking. Lack of proper communication presents the greatest challenge in collaboration, new communication systems need to be put in place to avoid misinterpretation, misinformation and misunderstandings. To facilitate better strategic and rational decisions, it is important to coordinate more private-public partnerships with the private sector helping to assess risks in port security management.
Christopher, Kenneth. Port Security Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
What is a"Dirty Bomb" (describe)?
A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersal weapon using both conventional weapons and radioactive material. Even though, the dirty bomb would release radiation, this would not be enough to kill people or cause severe damage, but it is the explosion that is more harmful.
Christopher, Kenneth. Port Security Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
What are the priorities detailed in the 2012 DNI Threat Assessment Report Final Unclassified?
The office of Director of National Intelligence (DNI), gives annual reports on threat levels worldwide and highlights on the U.S. situation. The 2012 report focuses on the growing threat of Al Qaeda, its affiliated groups and the subsequent counter terrorism programs. The threat posed by jihad groups is a cause for concern given the fragmentation among regional groups. Other than foreign based terrorist increased threats to America, the report also focuses on threat from home grown terrorist which are not formally affiliate with terrorist organizations but share the same ideology. Terrorist threats extend to marine operations and it is necessary to avert such threats before they occur, as well as deal with security scare caused by terrorism on marine operations.
Essay 2
Describe the following:
The SMART Port Security Legislation
The SMART Port Security Legislation was designed to enhance border and maritime security in the U.S. The legislation reaffirms the legislators’ belief that there is a need to put more security measures in the country’s waterways. In essence, the legislation gave broader powers to allow the US Coast Guard, Border Protection and Customs to collaborate more on security matters. Under the DHS, various law enforcement agencies at the local, federal and state levels have broader powers to coordinate their activities. The main reason behind the bill is that the potential disruption of security threats on American borders and maritime environments would disrupt trade and bring inconveniences. Thus, a risk based program based on enhancing collaboration was seen as integral part to improving security measures at port facilities emphasizing on the role of America Coast Guard in inspecting vessels rather than delegating to foreign entities.
Committee on Homeland Security. House Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee Passes SMART Port Security Legislation, March 27, 2012.
The SAFE Port Act
The SAFE Port Act of 2006 broadly touched on enhancing port security and enforcing laws against unlawful internet gambling. The Act, first highlights on the need to secure the port facilities and ensure that that maritime transport is safe. The act allows maritime facilities to put in place more security measures that facilitate ease in transportation, in case there is obstruction of waterways or security thereat. To further broaden security checks on the port facilities, the Act gives power to the Secretary to institute security checks on persons convicted of committing crime or suspected of having engaged in espionage activities. To improve the security situation around maritime environments, the Act calls for more rigorous training of staff working in port facilities in order to improve their ability to prepare and respond in case of security and terrorism threats. The provisions on online gambling streamline gambling activities on the internet by tightening regulations on illegal gambling, betting and payments.
Public Law 109–347. The SAFE Port Act, 2006. October 13, 2006.
The Small Vessel Security Strategy
The Small Vessel Security Strategy is a strategy adopted in 2008 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to reduce vulnerability of vessels and improve security measures against attacks from small vessels. DHS sought...
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