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Enterprise Architecture: The Four Phases of the Capital Planning Process

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the four basic phases of the capital planning process.
  2. How are security and privacy issues described in the Project Management Plan?
  3. Using the class scenario, develop a business case for the hypothetical transition of the CIT IT Help Desk functions. Background:  The CIT currently uses up to three part-time student work-studies to provide the internal ‘help desk’ functions.  What if we hired one or more full-time local non-student individuals instead?  Elements to include in this business case are as follows:
    1. An alternatives analysis that compares existing internal operations to an outsourced external service provider.
    2. An estimated cost-benefit analysis for each of the alternatives. You should use external sources to find the expected costs for each alternative.

*Review the assignment support document for minimum requirements for your answers and information on the class scenario.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture
1. The Four Phases of the Capital Planning Process.
CPIC planning phase
The phases of the capital planning process include Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) planning phase, selection phase, evaluation phase, and control phase. “CPIC planning phase is where business and technology requirements that emerge through the enterprise are reviewed at the preliminary level for merit, need, and identification of an association with an EA component.” (Bernard, 2020, p. 219). Notably, this phase merges all crucial activities relevant to the EA project. These activities may include a communication plan, measures for success, roles, responsibilities, budget, schedule, work breakdown structure, business case, and requirements. To sum up, the planning phase is a stage where the initial activities of the Project Management Plan (PMP) occur, including the cost-benefit analysis.
CPIC Selection phase
Funding of the EA project occurs at the selection phase, including the funding proposal. “The CPIC Selection Phase is where a funding decision is made for a proposed investment in an EA component. The funding proposal documented in the PMP is reviewed for value, alignment, the strength of the business case, technical solutions, security, risk, and return.” (Bernard, 2020, p. 219) Most importantly, the enterprise usually aims to align its budget and business cycle to achieve an optimal estimate of funds. In this case, ROI is a better budget estimation since it incorporates all scenarios, such as qualitative estimates. Equally important, a project becomes active for funding when the project managers select an EA component. In brief, the funding process is very crucial in an EA project.
CPIC Control phase
The control phase is the most delicate and crucial process of an EA project since EA experts implement the actual PMP. “The CPIC Control Phase is where ongoing development and upgrade projects are evaluated for how closely cost, schedule, and EA component performance milestones are being met, and how well areas of risk are being managed” (Bernard, 2020, p. 220). Notably, the control phase usually applies the Gantt chart to track the performance, schedule, and cost milestones. Equally important, the managers may also tack the project through earned value management (EVM) which estimates the forecast against actual performance, schedule, and cost milestones. To enhance the efficiency of the project, the EA component project managers usually use the critical path to control the operations more efficiently. In brief, the control phase usually entails the minimization of possible errors during the project period.
CPIC Evaluation phase
The evaluation phase is important in an enterprise since it assists in identifying previous achievements and failures and strengthens any possible weakness.“The CPIP Evaluation Phase is where (1) completed IT projects receive a Post Implementation Review (PIR), and (2) where operational systems are periodically reviewed for continuing value.” (Bernard, 2020, p. 221) Foremost, PIRs aid an enterprise in enhancing its performance using its past activity records. In this case, these records contain previous successes and failures which the enterprise may use to avoid or enhance its position. One of the advantages of using this PIR is to aid in creating a sharing and learning culture in the enterprise, reduce risks for IT projects, and reduce cycle time and costs. Equally important, an enterprise may improve when it reviews the PIR to enhance the previous systems. Overall, the evaluation phase usually investigates the past achievements and failures of the enterprise and aims to strengthen its position.
2. How Security and Privacy Issues are Described in the Project Management Plan
The enterprise may describe security and privacy issues in PMP in various ways. “In the area of physical security, determine and describe the facilities and other direct access protection that will be required to achieve an acceptable level of risk to prevent unauthorized access to these EA co...
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