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Social Networks, Social Norms, and Social Influence Processes

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Social Networks, Social Norms and Social Influence Processes

In the beginning paragraph:

1.Learning Objectives should be written clearly with explanations at the beginning of the first paragraph:

2. Please discuss the definitions, theories, and scientific studies to understand the roles of inter-individual behaviors from these readings.

3. Social relationships and social influence

4. Social networks, their structure and patterns Social norms

In the Second paragraph, you should address these questions thru these reading articles


1. What do you think was the key message from these articles' readings?

2. Did you agree or disagree with the main argument of the reading?

3. You can also raise a question from these readings regarding your concern

In the conclusion paragraph:

4. Think about the new concepts you are being introduced by these readings

5. How do they relate to the particular public health outcomes you are focused on (or plan to focus on)

These are the reading lists:

Berkman, Kawachi, & Glymour, Chapter 8

Hunter, R. F., McAneney, H., Davis, M., Tully, M. A., Valente, T. W., & Kee, F. (2015). "Hidden" social networks in behavior change interventions. American journal of public health, 105(3), 513-516.

Christakis NA, Fowler JH. (2007). The spread of obesity in a large social network over 32 years. New England Journal of Medicine: 357(4):370-9.

**** Please provide me citation*******

Please do NOT repeat the same paragraphs in writing.****

There are five questions to be answered with your critical thoughts

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The pervasive presence of social networks in modern life has wide implications for individuals and communities. Social networks facilitate connections and relationships between people from all walks of life, which can in turn influence behavior and health. As Berkman, Kawachi, and Glymour explain, social networks provide access to information, resources, and support, as well as serve as vehicles for transmitting social norms (Chapter 8). While these networks can often be positive, they can also have negative consequences, which brings out the dark side of social capital (Kawachi, Berkman, & Glymour, 2015). Experiences such as witnessing police brutality can lead to feelings of powerlessness or lack of control, which may contribute to anxiety or vulnerability. This was demonstrated in the case of George Floyd, whose violent death at the hands of a police officer could cause others to feel unsafe or anxious. It is important for researchers and practitioners to be aware of these hidden social networks when designing interventions, as they can have a significant impact on the success of behavior change (Hunter et al., 2015). Furthermore, Christakis and Fowler (2007) research indicates that certain behaviors or conditions, such as obesity, can be "contagious" within social networks. Social norms, which are shaped by these networks, play a powerful role in shaping individual behavior (Berkman, Kawachi, & Glymour, 2015).
The key take-out from these readings is that social networks can have both positive and negative consequences for individuals and communities. They can provide access to resources and support, but they can also transmit negative social norms or contribute to anxiety and vulnerability. I agree with the main argument of Berkman, K...
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