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History and Current Issues Contributing to Inequality

Essay Instructions:


Note: This assignment is the second in a series of 4 assignments on the same topic, due in Weeks 2, 5, 8, and 10. The assignments build upon each other.

Assume you are an investigative reporter for a major publication (magazine or newspaper) who has been assigned to research important issues (ethnic, racial, gender, or class) that are causing problems and affecting people in a local area, workplace, or specific part of the world. Your goal is to provide both an in-depth analysis of and put a human face on this issue by writing a series of articles that the editor plans to publish in two major parts. For this assignment, you will write Part 1 of your series of articles, which focuses on the history, current issues, problems caused by the issues, and proposed changes.

Part 2, due in Week 8, will focus on the benefits and challenges of the proposed change(s) as well as responses to the challenges. You will include the feedback you receive on both articles from your editor/professor in your presentation due in Week 10, in which you will be required to provide a summary of your articles in a PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation for a meeting of the National Association of Journalists.

Your professor will act as your editor and provide guidance as you refine your topic area and articles.


Write a 5–6 page (or approximately 1,300–1,400 words) paper in which you:

In the first 1–2 paragraphs, introduce the topic area you chose in Week 2 with a quote, question, and/or statistic (from your credible sources), along with an overview and a thesis statement. (Grab the reader’s interest.)

Explain 3–5 major historical factors (social events/attitudes, wars, laws, economy, political environment, et cetera) in the past 50–100 years that have contributed to the current issue(s) and problems for this topic area. Explain how historical factors impact current issues.

Analyze 3–5 major current issues/problems (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) for this topic area.

Describe 1–2 groups of people affected by the issue/problem, including 2–3 quotes and/or paraphrased comments from the people affected (from your reliable sources).

Propose 2–3 changes (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) that could possibly improve the situation. (Changes can be proposed and extracted from examples from other countries, localities, or workplaces that you found in your reliable sources.) Explain the interventions attempted to rectify the issue.

Include 5 or more credible and reliable references in addition to the textbook.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Propose potential changes to help solve important issues in society concerning class, ethnicity, gender, or race that potentially lead to increased diversity and inclusive collaborations.

African American Equality Issues in The U.S.

African Americans are among the groups which have sought equal rights as U.S.

citizens. Regardless of the various efforts employed to create such equality, African American

citizens face various challenges which depict inequality. Among the issues faced are police brutality, unequal job opportunities, and segregation.


Police brutality is one of the major issues facing African American citizens due to racism. Police brutality occurs when law enforcement authorities use excessive force when arresting suspects. Racism makes African American citizens a target for the police force regardless of an individual being innocent. An example is a case whereby these individuals are more likely to get searched by the police than white citizens. These cases indicate the inequality in the justice system and the need to create laws preventing African Americans from being victims of police brutality. Unequal job opportunities also occur due to racism and discrimination in different work environments. Due to such racism, some employers prefer to hire white citizens instead of African Americans. Hence, African Americans have limited job opportunities, thus indicating the inequality they face in the U.S. Segregation is also a common inequality issue affecting African Americans due to racism and discrimination. Segregation used to occur a lot in housing, employment, and transportation. Various laws have been set to eradicate the issue, but it is happening in various parts of the country.

Annotated Bibliography

Assari, S. (2018). Unequal gain of equal resources across racial groups—international journal of health policy and management, 7(1), 1.

The source focuses on the unequal gain among citizens regarding equally distributed resources. The U.S. government has implemented various laws to facilitate the equal distribution of resources. However, minority groups face discrimination, making it challenging to access such resources. Examples are job and education opportunities whereby the white citizens have better chances of getting these opportunities.

Graham, C., & Pinto, S. (2019). Unequal hopes and lives in the USA: Optimism, race, place, and premature mortality. Journal of Population Economics, 32(2), 665-733.

The source focuses on the various demand-driven components facilitating the gap between African Americans and whites. Among such factors are limited job opportunities and a declining labor market. African Americans face discrimination in different aspects of life; therefore, issues in the labor market would place them at more disadvantage than whites. The article contributes to the research by showing the possibility of African Americans having fewer employment opportunities than white citizens.

Graham, A., Haner, M., Sloan, M. M., Cullen, F. T., Kulig, T. C., & Jonson, C. L. (2020). Race and worrying about police brutality: The hidden injuries of minority status in America. Victims & Offenders, 15(5), 549-573.

The article focuses on the extent to which minority groups such as African Americans fear police brutality in the U.S. It shows that Police brutality is among the inequality issues facing these individuals and the need to develop laws for its eradication. The article uses the term hidden injuries to show the ignorance involved in dealing with the issue.

McLeod, M. N., Heller, D., Manze, M. G., & Echeverria, S. E. (2020). Police interactions and the mental health of Black Americans: A systematic review. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 7(1), 10-27.

The articles show that police brutality determines people’s mental health. The brutality causes fear and a negative attitude toward the police force, thus affecting people’s well-being. It is more likely to affect African Americans and other minority groups whose friends faced brutality in the past. The article will contribute to the research by proving that police brutality is an inequality issue facing African Americans.

Tehrani, S. O., Wu, S. J., & Roberts, J. D. (2019). The color of health: residential segregation, light rail transit developments, and gentrification in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19), 3683.

The source focuses on the current need to improve communities through various development projects. However, the developments create the possibility of displacing the minority communities from their society, thus reinforcing the segregation issues that African Americans faced during the colonial era. The article shows the need for laws and planning to ensure that the gentrification processes do not negatively affect minority communities.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History, Current Issues with Proposed Changes
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History, Current Issues with Proposed Changes
Approximately 20% of African Americans in the US face inequality in different aspects of life, such as employment, the justice system, and segregation (McLeod et al., 2020). These individuals face various challenges, making it challenging to achieve the American dream. Historical and current factors play an important role in causing these issues.
Segregating is one of the historical factors that has contributed to a high rate of inequality in the nation. Segregation has been in the nation for years, resulting in unequal distribution of resources. One of the oldest forms of segregation occurred in the housing sector. African Americans were not allowed to live in certain neighborhoods because they belonged to Whites. A large percentage of black people lived in the ghettos. They had a poor lifestyle which was caused by the segregation in the job environment. The topmost job positions were saved for the whites while the African Americans occupied the less-paying roles. These jobs did not provide them with sufficient money to afford a better lifestyle. Segregation also occurred in transportation. It played a major role in facilitating racism and discrimination, contributing greatly to today's inequality. The segregation issues created a culture of discrimination, which many people fight to eliminate in the current world (Assari, 2018). However, a few citizens consider discrimination an opportunity to achieve a better life, thus making it challenging to eradicate segregation in the modern-day US.
Another historical issue contributing to today's inequality is the passing of civil rights in 1963. Various race riots took place in protest against the issue of police brutality. These events created awareness about the concept of police brutality but did not change the topic significantly. Over the years, Africa Americans have wrongfully been murdered due to police brutality. Unfortunately, the justice system has not made major convictions regarding this issue. In turn, this has created a culture of police brutality against African Americans as the suspects get away with the acts. Regardless of the mass protests regarding this issue, blacks face brutality, which has contributed to current cases. The American culture is built based on racial profiling as a way of deterring crime. Supporters of racial profiling point out that African Americans cause a large percentage of criminal activities in the US (Graham & Pinto, 2019). Such gives the police an opportunity to stop and search African Americans in the name of crime prevention. The supporters of racial profiling also point to the constitution's fourth amendment, which points out that people have the right to protection and feel safe in their homes. Hence, the amendment grants the police the mandate to protect people from theft and other criminal activities which could threaten their safety. The culture of racial profiling has, therefore, played an important role in promoting the current issues of police brutality against African Americans.
The slave abolition in the 1930s also contributes to discrimination, leading to inequality in the US. During the slave abolition era, some people were in support of the act, while others did not support slave abolition. As a result, African Americans continued to experience slavery in different aspects of life regardless of what the law said. For instance, African Americans could only occupy less-paying jobs and live in the ghettos. Slavery made it a challenge for the Blacks to earn a decent lifestyle. It highly contributed to racial discrimination, a common cause of inequality in modern-day life. The continuation of slavery, regardless of its abolition, created a culture of inequality whereby some whites considered themselves superior to African Americans. The issue of white privileged also emerged due to discrimination, thus causing more levels of inequality. The white privilege concept was passed on from one generation to another. In turn, this explains why many Americans recognize the concept of white privilege and use it to discriminate against African Americans. In modern-day life, discrimination is among the leading specifier of racial inequality in the US. People continue to nurture the culture among generations, which will make it challenging to eradicate the issue in the future.
Among the current causes of inequality in...
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