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Sustainability of Eco-Friendly Products

Essay Instructions:

tells something about sustainability related to the ecofriendly product.

EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING PROJECT GUIDE As part of this course, you will complete two community-based, experiential learning activities of your choice. There will be a PDF with pre-approved ELP activities that you can choose from. You are welcome to propose an activity yourself pending approval from a member of the Instructional Team. After taking part in two different activities, will document your experience through the creation of a personal reflection. Please note that you may complete your experiential learning projects at any time through the course, as long as you hand your reflection in by each respective due date. To clarify, you may work ahead of schedule if you would like. The following steps will help guide you through completing each of your two Experiential LearningProjects. STEP 1: DEVELOPING YOUR PERSONAL LEARNING GOALS Develop 3-5 learning goals that you hope to achieve throughout the duration of the course. They could be specific skills, abilities, and/or knowledge. Note that you will be reflecting on your progress in meeting and achievingyour goals in step 3. Include your learning goals as a separate list at the beginning of your reflection (please include this at the top for both reflections you submit) STEP 2: CHOOSING AND ENGAGING IN YOUR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITY Be sure to choose activities that aligns with your personal interests and will help to support your personal learning goals. This may require you to engage in some background research on the activitiesto gain a better understanding of what is involved, as well as to be properly prepared. Review the reflection guidelines prior to taking part in each of your activities (see Step 3 below). Makingnotes along the way will support the creation of you reflection to follow. A PDF titled ‘SUSTAIN 1S03 Approved ELP Ideas List’ is posted on Avenue. These are pre-approved activities that don’t require approval from your TA or the Instructor. Approved activities may also be posted as announcements on the course Avenue page. If your proposed activity is not found on the Approved ELP Ideas list, you will need to seek permission and approval from your TA with justification on how it relates back to the course. The approval of an activity will be at the final discretion of the TA. If you choose an activity that is not found on the Approved ELP Ideas List or was not granted permission by a TA, we will not grade your reflection. STEP 3. PREPARING YOUR REFLECTION Now that you have completed your experiential learning activity you are ready to prepare a formal reflection. Your reflection will be the basis for evaluating your experiential learning. Throughout your reflection, you should be summarizing the planning, the events, and takeaways from your ELP as well as its contribution to your learning goals. The ‘Reflective Learning Framework. A guide for Students and Educations. Aug 2018’, is a helpful resource to refer to which can be found on Avenue to Learn. You may refer to page 6 and page 19 to understand how the Reflective Learning Framework can be integrated into your reflection. ELP REFLECTION GUIDELINES Temporal Progression ▪ Organize information including temporal progression of events. [2 marks] Important Aspects of the Experience ▪ Summarize the main points and key themes of the experience. [2 marks] Connection to Academic Theory ▪ Compare or connect concepts from theory to experience. o Connect to course content or reference external sources (cited in APA) [2 marks] Personal Thoughts and Feelings ▪ Summarize the information and experience, including how it is relevant to one’s own learning. o Discusses personal point of view or biases that underlie the personal thought or feeling in detail. [2 marks] Cause-and-Effect Relationships ▪ Explain by constructing a cause-and-effect model, including major parts in the system. o Identifies the relationship between two events, where one event is the cause of the other. [2 marks] o Explains the significance of the cause-and-effect relationship to a sustainability theme. [2 marks] Relating to Other Connections/Drawing Connections ▪ Draws a connection to a greater societal impact associated to the experience/theme. [2 marks] ▪ Considers the challenges or barriers that society may have. [2 marks] ▪ Proposes a possible solution or opportunity to combat challenge. [2 marks] Planning and Future Practices ▪ Generates one or more ideas for personal future practice that relates to the theme of experience and would be significant to adopt going forward. [2 marks] ▪ Explains possible benefits and/or challenges associated to proposed future practice. [2 marks] Extras! ▪ Included list of learning goals at the beginning of the paper [1 mark] ▪ Attached a picture (preferably a selfie) engaging in the ELP [1 mark] ▪ Grammar and Spelling o No grammatical or spelling mistakes that impacts readability. [2 marks] Word Limit: 1200 words *we will stop grading your paper beyond this word limit

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Eco-Friendly Products
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Reflection on Eco-Friendly Products
I resolved to reflect on the importance of using eco-friendly products because environmental degradation has escalated and reached worrying proportions. If we do nothing to mitigate the wanton destruction, the future indeed looks bleak. That is why I decided to reflect on eco-friendly products because they play a significant role in helping conserve our environment.
I have been reading and watching the news about the rapid spread of environmental degradation and its drastic ramifications, and I must admit that the situation is dire and worrying. For instance, carbon dioxide levels have reached unprecedented levels, and the loss of biosphere integrity is causing the extinction of species at a rate never seen before (Milman, 2015). That makes it essential for everyone to contribute in one way or the other in curbing the destruction of our environment. In this regard, I opted to contribute by using eco-friendly products. These products are often made of natural materials, and they help maintain a proper balance between their users and the environment (Justeco, 2021). In addition, the products are cheap and easy to use.
One such product I used was the agave dish scrubber, which is a Mexican product made from the leaves of the “maguey” Agave. The product has non-scratch fibers that are safe to use on the surfaces of such items as pots and pans (Green Boheme, n.d.). One can also use them to clean fruit and vegetables. The other product I used is the bamboozle bamboo compost bin, a Chinese product made from durable, biodegradable bamboo. Apart from being attractive, the bin allows the user to convert organic waste into rich compost manure. In addition, it has well-placed air vents and a carbon filter that keep away odor and flies. I found the experience of using the products enjoyable and fulfilling. This is because it allowed me to contribute to the preservation of the environment in my own unique way.
Using the products reminded me of the importance of conserving the environment, which is getting depleted at a worrying rate. For instance, the experienc...
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