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Reflection on Experiental Learning Vegan Diet

Essay Instructions:

Go vegan or vegetarian for a minimum of 3 days.

• Reflect on the duration of your experience and include multiple photos of the meals you ate

Your reflection will be the basis for evaluating your experiential learning. Throughout your reflection, you should be summarizing the planning, the events, and takeaways from your ELP as well as its contribution to your learning goals.

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Reflection on Vegan Diet
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Reflection on Vegan Diet
I chose to reflect on being a vegan because I was concerned for animal welfare and the desire to consume what avoids excessive use of environmental resources. I wanted to put whatever I knew about veganism into practice. Undertaking the experimental learning project (ELP) required extensive research to gather appropriate information about the topic.
One important point during the ELP was the need to undertake extensive research when undertaking a project of such magnitude. I learned the importance of researching what others have said about becoming a vegan. The second point was discovering the health benefits of being a vegan. I realized that my omnivorous living was adversely affecting my health. The experience was an eye-opener that transitioning from an omnivorous lifestyle to being a vegan should be done in stages. I realized that I could not overhaul my whole diet in one instance. Instead, following through the various phases makes it easier ti eventually become a vegan.
The ELP reminded me how individuals could make steps toward reducing the burden on the planet. In class, we discussed how human activities have been increasing the carbon footprint on planet earth. Humans have contributed to the carbon print at a larger scale. Such activity has negative environmental implications, like air pollution causing toxic acid rain and climate change, which has contributed to melting polar ice and glaciers, flooding, and desertification. On conducting research, I discovered the shocking fact that vegans can minimize their carbon footprint by shrinking it by 21% to 70% (Kustar & Patino-Echeverri, 2021).
Before undertaking the project, I had a negative attitude toward vegan lifestyles, and hence I did not think that undertaking the topic would be of much help. Firstly, I used to believe that plant protein sources are inferior to animal ones. However, the project allowed me to see that plant-based proteins are equally critical as their animal-based counterparts. Hence, there are not many different consuming proteins from plants or animals. As a result, I insisted on consuming meat products to have the “more superior” forms of protein. Secondly, I considered vegan diets too expensive and beyond the reach of many people. I would consider the cost incurred in purchasing the ingredients and compare the same to the quick meals I could get from a fast food store. However, I discovered that the cost of vegan meals is cheaper in the long run, while that of fast foods increases in the long run. Participating in the project makes me feel more empowered in my approach to dietary issues. I no longer rely on biases but rather seek to have facts before concluding diet matters.
The cons...
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