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Media Analysis Memo from Democracy Now!

Essay Instructions:

In this course, we will think critically about the messages we often consume from various forms of media. We will often think about media in relation to the specific topic at hand, as well as the role it plays in public policy and culture. The purpose of this assignment is three-fold: to hone your writing skills, to make connections between current social events/news and course materials, and to learn more about contemporary social problems.

Democracy Now! is a radio/TV news program that receives no government, corporate, or Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants or funding and, as such, can focus on issues that are misreported, underreported, or ignored by the mainstream media. During this course, you are expected to listen to, watch, or read a headline report of Democracy Now! three times during the course.

You will write three Media Analysis Memo of about two pages in length double-spaced, based on a headline report from Democracy Now!. The purpose of these assignments is to:

• Draw connections between course readings and current news stories from Democracy


• Identify key claims and arguments;

• Assess what interventions are being made, by whom, and to what ends.

Democracy Now! website: http://www(dot)democracynow(dot)org/. The show and the headlines can be watched, listened to, or read online live at 8am or anytime on demand (with one exception: it takes 1 hour or so after the live broadcast for it to be available on demand). After watching, listening to, or reading the headlines, you will write a two-page memo on one of the major stories from the headline report. The memo should include the following:

• SUMMARY of the report (clear and concise)

• CONNECTION to course material (i.e., connections to *two* readings and/or videos)

• REFLECTION on the story based on your own experiences and observations of the social world

You may draw on material from the entirety of the course to that point—i.e., you are not limited to drawing connections between the report and the readings from the week the memo is due. If you do not earn full credit for your memo, I will provide individual feedback to help you improve future memos. I will grade your papers based on the Media Analysis Memo Rubric (posted on Blackboard) within one week of when the assignment was submitted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Media Analysis Memo
From: [your name]
Subject: Media Analysis Memo
Article: "Promoting Stability or Fueling Conflict?": Biden's U.S. Arms Sales Boom from Ukraine to Saudi Arabia
This video explores the relationship between the United States, the Arab countries and Ukraine and its role in the Russia-Ukraine war. It analyzes the decision by President Biden's administration's military spending on Ukraine and the effects of the United States' sales of weapons on local and global security. The program host is Army Goodman interviewing William Hartung, a national security expert. During their campaigns, Biden pledged to curb arms sales, but his administration's recent action has gone against it. According to Hartung, this aims to maintain the U.S.'s superpower status and achieve global military dominance through weapons sales. The U.S. also needs to make an alliance with other nations to help it drive its superiority agenda. Hartung also believes that Biden opted to sell weapons because of foreign influence. How a country treats its military shapes how they behave after its retirement. Investing in them means they will come to be friendly to the regime.
Hartung believes that heavy spending on the military in the Russia-Ukraine war should bear fruits that satisfy both sides. Indeed, military spending is to help end the war, but the guiding question should always be how to end it without escalating it. This is the primary reason the U.S. has not attacked Russia. Instead, it is helping hope to be global. The U.S. is avoiding possible instances where aiding Ukraine can lead to the Russia-US conflict. In the end, Hartung argues that selling weapons to other countries does not influence any actions that benefit the United States.
Connection to course readings
This show relates deeply to the course content. The initial question that merges from the show is the impact of the U.S. sale of military weapon...
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