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Two Political Science Short Essays Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

please compose a 2-3 page essay for EACH of the following prompts.

No outside Source. Only Source provided, no style need. Please make sure answer all the question

1. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution. What makes them distinct frameworks? Be sure to refer to the concept of federalism in your answer.

2. Define and describe the separation of powers and the branches of US governance. Discuss the role of groups and social movements in that structure of power.

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First Essay: Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution
The United States Constitution and the Articles of Confederation are two of the most prominent documents to manifest during the American Revolution. The United States was a colony of the British and when the nation gained independence in 1777, most of its following activities were profoundly subject to alignment with the Crown of England wishes. In the aftermath of colonialization, the Article of Confederation was a document that was used in the organization and mobilization of the original thirteen colonies of the US. The precise states are mentioned in the document.
The Articles of Confederation advocated for the sovereignty of each country; a stance that was unpleasant to England. In this case, a state would enact legislation as well as provide measures to levy taxes. On the other hand, the Constitution mandated Congress with the responsibility to have undaunted authority over war and diplomacy. These two aspects were among the highest points of political sovereignty. The subsequent discussion offers more insight into the comparisons and contrasts that exist between the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution with the concept of federalism providing a better comprehension of the influence of these two documents.
The primary difference that exists in the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution is that the former failed to provide a precise approach in governance. It means that it lacked an established executive power that would oversee the running of the government. A proper judicial branch was also lacking which implied that solutions to disputes were another challenge. On the other hand, the US Constitution provided a more stable and robust mode of governance with clear power mandates on the three branches of the government.
The Articles compromised the reputation of the US to other nations, as it was the same document used in the adoption of international treaties. Individual states were at fault to meet the agreed standards implying that a country such as England was displeased with the situation. The most profound problem of the Articles was the result in which the Britons were angered by the American government and hence refused to let American ships into the West Indies. American trade with its primary markets was affected significantly and the Congress had to figure a solution to the Articles. Moreover, the sovereignty placed upon the states in regards to the collection of taxes and the creation of legislation proved an obstacle to the running of the national government, as it was unable to support the military adequately. Therefore, there was the need to have the Articles amended for better progress of the nation.
Despite the differences between the two documents, there are predominant similarities in the two. First, they both acknowledge the state as the United States of America. The legislature is responsible for making laws. However, in on the Congress is the only house while the other has two Houses. The Constitution combines the two houses to have the Congress, but due to the subdivision, there is the House of Representatives and Senate. The Articles of Confederation were a reference point in the formation of the new Constitution. The Constitution was predominantly meant to correct the many weaknesses found in the other document. Therefore, despite the differences that may arise, the two documents relate significantly.
The inception of the Constitution reinstated new guideline advancing the relationship between the states and the Federal Government. Moreover, it was central to the establishment of the first ten amendments of the Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights, which were of profound benefit to the liberty that American citizens enjoy today. However, this would have been an impossible task or rather a difficult one if the Articles of Confederation did not exist. The...
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