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Multiple Perspectives on Adverse Effects and Solutions on Global Economic Crisis

Essay Instructions:


We have spent several weeks seeing the world through other eyes and examining imbalances of power and privilege and the inequitable access to resources that imbalance creates. During those same weeks we have been examining ourselves and what role our personal experiences play in how we interact with the people in the world around us. During our reflexive work, we examined our worldview and potentially grew and will continue to grow in positive ways because of it.


Consider the many topics you have explored throughout the course.

Refer to the textbook, previous assignments, and supplemental content for ideas.

Select an issue that you feel strongly about.

Find an article that gives a perspective on this issue that is different from your own.

You may use a resource from the course or research your issue using the library.

Answer the following in a 2–3 page paper:

Summarize the issue and the author’s perspective.

Compare the author’s perspective with your own.

Identify where you agree. Explain why.

Identify where you disagree. Explain why.

Does reading this article expand your own understanding or perspective on this issue? Explain how.

Use one source to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite the sources listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze contemporary social issues taking into account multiple perspectives.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 10 Assignment - Multiple Perspectives Reflexive Paper
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Week 10 Assignment - Multiple Perspectives Reflexive Paper
The author focuses on the adverse effects of the global economic crisis and the measures that can be implemented to address the issue. In particular, the article notes that the world is in an economy that works for the top 1%. That small segment of wealthy individuals has more wealth than the remaining 99% combined. The author indicates that power and privilege have been used to sew the economic system to widen the gap between the rich and poor (Oxfam International, 2016). Because of the negative implications of the increasing wealth gap, the article suggests various corrective measures. Some recommendations include paying workers a living wage, checking the influence of the elite, improving access to affordable medicine, fairly sharing the tax burden, and promoting equality for women. The author believes these measures are critical in creating opportunities for the poor to advance while making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
To a large extent, my perspective merges with that of the author. I believe it is crucial to find solutions to some of the global community's challenges, including wealth distribution. It is worrying how society has allowed 1% of the population to control more resources than the rest combined. Since wealth inequality has increased, I share the author’s perspective that this needs to change. While I do not harbor any resentment against the wealthy members, I believe wealth should be accumulated to benefit all society’s members. However, while there is nothing wrong with being wealthy, I find the article critical in addressing an issue worth examining.
I agree with the article that the gap between the rich and poor is increasing at an alarming rate. The wealthiest 1% having more wealth than the rest of the world’s population, needs immediate attention. The author is correct that growing economic inequality harms soc...
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