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Gentrification in San Francisco

Essay Instructions:

As we’ve been learning, urban sociologists can focus on macrostructural processes of globalization and urbanization as well as microsocial issues of urbanism, which is more about the urban experience, or life within the city. Urban sociologists also look at the interaction between the micro and the macro through processes like gentrification. For this paper, you’ll want to consider the roles of structure and agency; global economic context; cultural, economic, and structural explanations for the issues you discuss; socio-spatial and population demographics, and how space shapes and is shaped by societal processes.

Topic: Gentrification in San Francisco

Your analysis of the urban issue(s) that you choose must use sociological concepts from class lectures and readings. In fact, the purpose of this assignment is for you to show that you have understood and can use the theories and concepts we’ve been talking about in this class. You will also need to use two outside sociological sources.

Papers should contain:

• A clear, arguable thesis summarized in your introduction and conclusion.

• A description of the urban issue that you’ve chosen including some history of the spaces and places you are analyzing.

• A discussion of how power and inequality play into the urban issues that you identify and analyze.

• Explanations for the issues you discuss that should include some of the following: structure/agency, global economic context, cultural, economic, and structural explanations, socio-spatial and population demographics, and especially how space shapes and is shaped by societal processes.

• A discussion of which theories of urban society help you to understand your example. 

• A bibliography and in-text citations for all sources using ASA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gentrification in San Francisco
Societal organization, laws, policies, local politics, speculation and access to mortgages have often influenced home ownership in the U.S. Among the working class racial minorities gentrification has had a more profound negative impact, but to the wealthier people it has often resulted to higher home values. As such, racial inequalities are worsened by gentrification making it harder for the poor to improve their economic well being. Supporters of gentrification suppose that the positive effects of the process trickle down to the local economy, and this has influence the debate on use of public space. However, gentrification is at times associated with increased rental evictions for the poor, as agents, house owners, real estate developers seek to attract more moneyed residents and better financed businesses. This paper highlights on gentrification in San Francisco, while also mentioning the interplay of power and inequality in gentrification as well as sociological theories that explain the phenomenon.
Background and history of gentrification
Gentrification in San Francisco has reconfigured the geographical lines in the area, typically pushing the minorities and working class people to high dense areas with fewer social amenities. Nowadays with the growth of high tech industry, companies have attracted well paid tech professionals who can afford to pay higher housing rents. In the post war era cities experienced rising poverty, unemployment, and crime, while they has been debate on ways to improve the situation (Robinson 1999). The pattern of gentrification has historically resulted in the emergence of high dense areas in the inner cities, while down turn areas have also expanded dominated by white collar professionals (Robinson 2009). As such, gentrification and displacement often go together where there are two distinct social classes with geographical lines dividing the San Francisco financial district from the low income inner city. Power and inequality
Power and inequality are also linked to gentrification has resulted to greater divide between the poor and the affluent in San Francisco and other cities. Gentrification typically results to a rise in the home value, and this further deepens the divide between the poor and affluent home owners (Glick 2008). In most case, minorities are at disadvantage since Blacks and Latinos are affected negatively upon gentrification give that they are driven out of their residences by rising rent prices. On the other hand, home owners get to have better access to mortgage loans following the rise in property prices. Lenders are more likely to issue subprime products to people with poor credit histories typically lacks and Latinos, meaning they are left worse off because of the predatory nature of these loans (Glick 2008).
To further highlight on the link between power and inequality in gentrification is the growing influence of realtors in influencing property prices. Investors, agents and real estate developers typically expand neighborhoods in order to benefit all people dealing with property development (Mirabal 2009). In other words, the economic motivation of gentrification means that the original occupiers are displaced, and as they migrate the neighborhood gets a new social character. The displaced power are powerless to influence the property market, and since racial minorities in the U.S. tend to be more affected by gentrification, while they also have fewer financial incentives to revitalize the new areas they migrate to.
Socio-spatial, demographics space and gentrification
To understand the process of gentrification, there is a need to take into account the impact of a housing boom in many areas that were previously populated by the working class. The economic context explains much of the changes in the San Francisco area, but legal hurdles faced by the working class means, that they have little impact when fighting against evictions. In the 1990’s the Dot Com era provided an impetus for growth in San Francisco, house prices increased substantially, to the extent that Mission District previously majority Latino populated area, now had swankier buildings housing businesses (Mirabal 2009).economic investments in San Francisco meant that there was a change on people’s view about housing and education. Public officials at times encourage gentrification based o the notion that attracting t...
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