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Population Demographics

Essay Instructions:

You may use your course materials (notes, readings) during the exam. Do not use outside materials. Your work on the exam should be your own.

These essay questions are designed to test your understanding of social demography as well as your critical thinking on social demographic topics. To demonstrate your understanding and critical thinking, I suggest that you do the following in your answers:

1. Organize your essay around an argument (or thesis statement) that provides a clear and compelling answer to the question. 

2. Support that argument with evidence from relevant course materials.

3. Make logical links between the evidence you use and the argument you are making. In other words, make it clear how and why the evidence you use in your essay supports your argument.

4. When relevant, acknowledge limitations and/or counter-positions to your argument, and explain why your argument is still valid in the face of these limitations and/or counter-positions.


1. In “Mother: Caring for 7 Billion,” a doomster argument about population growth is presented, namely that population growth is a problem for the environment and for human wellbeing. The primary solutions offered in the movie are women’s empowerment and family planning. Write an essay assessing this position and/or its solution. You may choose to focus on both the position and the solution or one or the other in answering this question.

• ***Whether population growth is a problem***

• The film is saying Population growth is a problem

• The evidence → a lot of people in poverty

• The system of domination, women relative, a lot of environmental issue 

• Power women to take control of their lives, and provide assess to family planning

• If you agree the 7 Billion, you have to argue the doomster

• Not doomster, but optimistic view would be 

• We share resources we will be fine – 

• You will argue the Marx or interesting argument that new women thoughts are new domination

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Population demographics
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World population hit 7 billion in 2000s. The figure has raised alarm and according to UN estimates; population is projected to be around 9.1 billion by 2050 (Haub & Gribble 2011). World resources remain constant and like the film, mother: caring for seven billion portrays, world resources are confined to few people hence leaving majority of the population having little to share. The film further stipulates well that resources need to be shared to reach the hungry and economically who do not meet their basic needs on a daily basis. This essay has been written to support what the film stipulates evaluating adverse effects of population growth and the necessary policies the society needs to adapt to curb population growth.
The film, mother: caring for seven billion contains information from different people and experts from various fields. Amongst them great scientists, writers, and activities. All of them spoke of negative attributes of overpopulation toll basing on the fact that resources are depleting. The film takes much consideration on world hunger. This has become a common menace to the underdeveloped countries. Massive population growth is experienced in most developing countries, and this translates to hunger and poverty. Lam (2011) denotes that Uganda and Niger have fertility rates of 7.0 and 6.4 respectively. In Uganda, the country declared a natural disaster for hunger in 2011.
Water depletion and disease pandemics and climate change are other effects that are associated with overpopulation. Huge population has led many people to squeeze natural resources for their benefits. As stipulated by Haub & Gribble (2011), environmental conditions are at threat when population increases. For environmental conditions to flourish, the air has to be clearer, streams more lucid and huge area of expansion of forests. Suitable environmental conditions enable fish rearing, agricultural practices to be more productive. However, the reverse is experienced when population bur...
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