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Excerpt From The LGBTQ Event: Specific Steps for Data Collection

Essay Instructions:

I have attached 8 files, you need to read all of them carefully before you started the essay.
Files named "Instructions1""Instructions2""Instructions3""Instructions4" are the instructions for the assignment.
The file named "Textbook" has the related materials you will need in the assignment.
This assignment is based on another assignment that I did earlier, so I attached the old assignment called "assignment1 feedback" with the feedback from our professor. You need to read the content of this assignment and along with the feedbacks to structure the new assignment. The old assignment (I have attached the instructions for the old assignment just in case you need to know what it is about ) is all about data collecting use "thick description" method. It's very important that you know what is "thick description" and how to use it (The file named "Geertz, Thick Description_" will give you an idea of this term). You can write about how I can improve some aspects of the old assignment using thick description method.
Two sources must be from the textbook, one must be from the "Geertz, Thick Description_" book, the rest two need to be from other places. I will message you about how to cite the textbook later.
Use ASA style.
This is how you will cite from the textbook,
In-text citation: (Lee 2017)
reference: Lee, Jooyoung. 2017. Fun with Qualitative Methods. Toronto, ON: TopHat.
Thank you in advance!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Methods Proposal
Institution of Affiliation
Final Methods Proposal
Excerpt from the LGBTQ Event
“Rena and Jacob were both into Japanese culture pretty much so this left Victor and I chatting something else since it was hard for us to join their conversation or even to keep up with what they said. The background music was playing Lady Gaga’ s songs mostly. How can the DJ not be playing Lady Gaga, the gay icon, when it is an LGBTQ event? So I take the initiative and ask Victor: “Did you go to Lady Gaga’s concert in Toronto”? “Yeah! It was amazing! I love her so much”, he replied with his eyes almost turned into two lines due to the big smile on his face.”
This conversation was one of the most interesting aspects of my observation. My research aim was to study the LGBTQ community in their interactions. Most importantly, cultural interactions are not only limited to what people talk and how they talk about it but also what they listen to and how they interpret it. In this case, music from Lady Gaga was culturally and socially important to this group of people. As Lee (2017) notes: “as ethnographers get closer to the people they're studying, they begin to feel the same things they feel and get to see the people responding to life in various circumstances."
Road Map
The rest of this proposal is going to focus on the steps in the data collection process. These steps will clearly outline what shall take place at each stage and the kind of data and samples that shall be collected in each step. Then the next part shall consist of the rationale for the data collection method and steps that shall be identified. The following section shall identify some of the possible challenges with the identified data collection methods and procedures and how to minimize them. The last section shall focus on the conclusion that shall summarize the chief aim of this study.
Specific Steps for Data Collection
The LGBTQ community experience intolerance, discrimination, harassment and the threat of violence due to their sexual orientation than those who identify themselves as heterosexual (Subhrajit 2014). The challenges that this population are facing has prompted my research into their sociocultural interactions and behavior. Gomm, & Hammersley (2001) have highlighted on the human agency in social qualitative research which is characterized by two types of complexities which include diversity and processual complexity. Complexity in diversity is defined as “the behavior of one person, between people, across situations, and across cultures” while processual complexity “is that arising from the processual character of social life”. These two complexities in qualitative research are among the most prevalent in the LGBTQ community. The author propose that in order to understand and explore these social complexities, qualitative researchers “produce rich and detailed descriptions of social life, on the principle that if the social world is a complex place then simplification is misleading” (Gomm, & Hammersley 2001). This brings out the need for the thick description method as the most appropriate in solving the social complexities around the LGBTQ community.
The sample will entail the LGBTQ community members in the University of Toronto, Canada. To achieve effective sampling that will be representative of the target population I intend to visit the meetings and entertainment functions organized specifically for the LGBTQ community. This is particularly important because “The more representative the sample, the more confident the researcher can be that the results can be generalized to the target population” (McLeod 2014). Random sampling has been selected as the most appropriate method of sampling because it helps avoid instances of biasness by the researcher (Shenton 2004). Also, based on the...
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