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How Would You Prove That Cultural Appropriation Is A Real Issue?

Essay Instructions:

Has to respond the main question "How would you prove that cultural appropriation is a real is a real issue?"

Has to include the following:

Relevant info

Different perspectives


Relevant issues


Courses of action (relevant and developed)

Clear and supported conclusions

Evaluate range of sources

Justifies personal perspective using evidence and reasoning

Structure, cohesive and comprehensive

Relevant arguments, evidence and perspectives presented clearly

Citation and referencing in a consistent format

Has to be structured:

Two or three main issues

conclusion in which you tell your final opinion responding to the main question using the issues you already talked about.

Include different points of view and site the sources of information with footnotes when facts are given

Use reliable sources of information

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Appropriation Is a Real Issue
Cultural Appropriation is a Real Issue
Many people have a hard time understanding what cultural appropriation means. What many people have done is to pick instances where they think that cultural appropriation is wrong and where they think it is right. Cultural appropriation is when someone takes something which is of cultural importance from another culture without understanding or respecting the significance that the thing has (Rogers, 2006). Cultural appropriation is a real issue and there are numerous proofs for the claim.
Cultural appropriation happens because of cases of assimilation, oppression, capitalism, and imperialism (Rodriquez, 2006). What these have done is to create and maintain unequal economic, territorial, and cultural relationships between various cultures. Marginalized cultural groups are therefore subordinated and are treated as sources of resources to be used and manipulated. The dominant communities take resources from the less dominant communities in a manner that those members with those cultures feel offensive and undesirable. These marginalized groups never have a say while the dominant groups deploy their heritage. The dominant groups deploy these heritages either for fashion or fun or just out of sheer ignorance without knowledge of the culture and its implications (Young, 2010).
The first proof that cultural appropriation is a real issue is that it has led to more oppression, genocide, and racism. Cultural oppression views cultures of the marginalized communities as free for taking. The same mentality has been used to steal valuable resources such as land from native people (Riley & Carpenter, 2015). The fact that cultural appropriation leads to stealing of culture and other valuable resources makes it a real issue. Over the years, there has been a misconception that there is a level playing field in race relations. That has been the main defense employed by proponents of cultural appropriation. However, all over the globe, there is systematic racism. The whites are seen to have privilege and power in their societies while other people do not enjoy the same.
Marginalized cultures can never be honored through cultural appropriation. A better method can be used to appreciate, respect, or honor these marginalized people. The issue with cultural appropriation is that it has limited the willingness to confront and dismantle issues related to racism (Suh, Hur & Davies, 2016). It is common for marginalized cultures to be disregarded.
In cultural appropriation, people will have love for the culture but remain prejudiced against the people with the culture. No one as...
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