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Ethnographic Interview Paper Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will conduct an interview with a person who was born and raised in a different culture (e.g. colleague from a different culture, neighbor who had a different cultural upbringing, international student, etc.) and write a 5-page paper analysis using the course material (textbooks and/or lectures). You may conduct the interview in person or you may collect your data by phone or Skype interview if necessary.

INTERVIEWEE The interviewee must have spent a majority of their developmental years under the guardianship and influence of parents who were also born and raised in the culture that they are representing during this interview. They must be able to respond to the questions in the first person, as a locally born, active participant in the culture, not as someone who was transplanted into the culture for work or ministry and experienced certain advantages as a foreigner living in the local culture.

Example: A local woman would potentially be impacted by a local practice that allows for the daughters to be given into marriage to a man from a different tribe in order to keep the peace or form alliances between the tribes. A foreigner living in this same culture for work or ministry would not typically be concerned with this local practice because they are a foreigner and would not live under the same cultural expectations as the locals. You may interview the local woman, but you may not interview the foreigner whose family was transplanted into this culture but was not subject to the same cultural expectations in all areas of life.

CONTENT The following elements should be included in the paper. Be sure to ask questions during the interview that help you discuss these concepts in the paper.

Describe the societal, marital, and familial relationships, communication practices, and any other significant and distinct cultural elements from your interviewee’s culture.

Explain the interviewee’s underlying rationale (this is the collection of values and beliefs that are the source of your interviewee’s practices).

Show how this rationale (value, beliefs, and practices) might lead to conflict when engaging people from other cultures and how one might resolve these conflicts.

Analysis using the course material (textbooks and/or lectures) and cultural anthropology vocabulary is required throughout the paper.


The paper must be written as an academic paper and not as a transcript of the interview. If you take notes during the interview, please do not submit those notes as your final paper.

Turabian formatting is required.

Citations from the course material (textbook or lectures) are required throughout the paper.

A title page and bibliography are required in addition to the 5 pages of content.

An Appendix containing a list of the interview questions is required in addition to the 5 pages of content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Course Name
Due Date
I chose to conduct this ethnographic interview with my friend Ryan Soberano, an international student from the Philippines. He was a resident on my hall last year, and we soon became close. He agreed to meet with me and gave me the go-ahead to interview him. Ryan was born and raised in Davao City, Philippines, and visited the United States for the first time last year. When I inquired about the similarities between his life in the Philippines and his life in America, he said that "the two are quite different," but "he loves both places." Based on this interview, I have identified the Filipinos as flexible, hardworking, upholding family, loving sports activities, and taking their religion, Christianity, seriously. Ryan holds all these views, which are central to his culture, in high regard.
When I inquired about the nature of societal, marital, and familial partnerships, communication patterns, and other essential and distinct cultural aspects, he provided various responses. In terms of social factors, he said that one element of Filipino culture that stands out is its adaptability and acceptance that things do not often turn out as planned. He said that, at the very least, his family and friends would inform one another to arrive an hour sooner than expected since no one is ever on schedule for something unless it is necessary. Despite this, he mentioned that this does not apply to the whole culture. He continued by emphasizing the importance of hard work. Everyone is expected to work hard and give their best in whatever they do. Hard work is upheld, and laziness is frowned upon.[Dumaraos, Gelyka. 2018. "11 Things You Should Know About Filipino Culture". Culture Trip. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/philippines/articles/11-things-you-should-know-about-the-filipino-culture/.]
 The Philippines is a strongly collectivistic society, which means that citizens are highly reliant on their social and familial circles. Individuals experience a sense of obligation to those around them and are supposed to forego their desires in the group's best interest. He also said that in the Philippines, a person's family is the most important priority and a source of great pride. Most Filipinos hope to marry and start a family one day. In the Philippines, the extended family is typically included in the family structure. Individuals communicate regularly with their aunts, uncles, and cousins. Children refer to their maternal aunts as "younger mum" or "older mother," based on the aunt's age compared to the child's mother's age. Generally, a relative is supposed to support less fortunate family members, especially financially. Someone with sufficient financial resources, for example, could be asked to assist in the payment of their less fortunate sibling's school tuition. Adult children live with their parents, which is another unique Filipino custom. Unlike in the United States, where children often depart their parents' homes after graduating from high school or college, many Filipinos remain with their parents until they marry. It is deemed defiant to break relations with one's kin. This collectivistic mentality is often apparent in relationships with friends. The concept of reciprocity and the desire to share is at the heart of friendship. When a friend requests a favor or help, one is obliged to fulfill the request. He claims that Filipinos do not find living alone appealing and that obtaining a high degree of privacy is not enormously appreciated.[Dumaraos, Gelyka. 2018. "11 Things You Should Know About Filipino Culture". Culture Trip. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/philippines/articles/11-things-you-should-know-about-the-filipino-culture/.]
He then told me how people interact by physical contact. Filipinos are very touchy. They welcome one another with hugs and sometimes kiss cheeks. They will hold one another's arm while communicating and use physical touch to communicate in various ways. Likewise, he said that it is essential to be respectful when dealing with someone older or with higher social standing. He said that this is often the case in American culture, but not everywhere. He also said that sports, dance, and music are valued in the Philippines. He continued by stating that basketball is the most common sport in the Philippines. He then said that Tinkling is a well-known and familiar folk dance performed by members of his community. Finally, th...
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