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Hong Kong Triad Criminal Organization

Essay Instructions:

Please review the attached PDF document with the instructions and requirements for the paper labelled crim & orgs final paper packet. The topic selected is the Hong Kong Triad criminal organization pertaining to the structural/organizational aspects of criminal groups. I will attach the articles to be used but you may use additional peer-reviewed scholarly sources from the approved disciplines stated. I will also attach the course readings that will be required to support the paper. The articles titled Peer Networks and Crime, CRIMINOLOGY, ENTER THE DRAGON: INSIDE CHINESE

HUMAN SMUGGLING ORGANIZATIONS, and Associational Structures must be used in the paper. As stated in the pdf instructions do not use direct quotations but rather use a summary of your own words. The reference and title page should not count towards the 6 pages of the essay. Please use ASA format for citations.

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Hong Kong Triad Criminal Organization
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The presence of criminal organizations in contemporary societies is not surprising. Criminal organizations often reflect a clash of interests well understood and defined under socio-economic and political contexts. It is puzzling to note that triad society was established in the seventeenth century in China with a robust sense of patriotism and emphasis on great human principles such as loyalty, righteousness, secrecy, and brotherhood, but it progressively transformed into an underground criminal society. More often, criminal organizations are organized syndicates dealing in illegal activities. Hong Kong triad criminal’s organizations constitute such groups where their emergence is quite historical, transformative, and intricately interconnected with the socio-economic and political environment. This paper demonstrates that the Hong Kong Triad crime syndicate is complex, socio-economically, and politically entrenched. The article argues that the Hong Kong Triad crime syndicate has proliferated over time due to its secrecy, members rituals, affiliation to political cycles, and economic empowerment gained from business and illicit trade. The paper postulates that triad societies have survived since their inceptions due to ‘triadization”, ' which refers to incorporating youth gangs into triad subcultures and values, which is achieved via gang structures, routine activities and ceremonies, businesses, gaining formality and legitimacy, and gang norms and controls, which will be examined below.
Hong Kong Triad Criminal Organization is historically, politically, and socio-economically contextualized. Triads are historically rooted secret societies interested in trading, protecting territory, business, and sometimes illegal activities. Triad criminal syndicates commonly operate and exist in Greater China and amongst overseas Chinese gangs. The triad gangs have left their imprints in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. They also have featured in overseas regions, including Europe, Japan, Latin America, and Russia, among others! The expansion of triad criminal societies into foreign states has elicited security and law enforcement concerns in countries such as Australia, U.S, and Canada (Zhang & Chin, 2002). These triad crime groups are gaining much attention over recent decades in transnational criminal activities, including money laundering, extortion, immigrant smuggling, gambling, heroin trafficking, and counterfeit trading (Zhang & Chin, 2002). They started as a political movement outfit later widened their portfolios of activities from eighteen century to the 21st century. Triad criminal societies are pure outfits driven by specific agender and have unique features that enhance the members' togetherness, being underpinned by rituals, mutuality, and particular traditions and ceremonies during membership recruitment.
What are the Hong Kong triads? The contemporary understanding of “triads” generally refers to Hong Kong-based criminal groups (Kwok & Lo, 2013). The triad represents secret societies in Qing-dynasty China, contemporary Chinese crime gangs, and criminal groups in Asian nations or abroad in a broader context and understanding. The legal understanding describes the triad as any group that adopts a triad title or nomenclature (Lo,2010). The Societies Ordinance is the fundamental legal framework relevant to triad organizations. This legislation prohibits any triad societies' engagement and support of Hong Kong activities (Kwok & Lo, 2013). The Hong Kong Triads, as a complex criminal enterprise, has a profound long-standing history spanning decades. A historical dissection of triad societies would unravel the mysteries surrounding triads and help create an in-depth understanding. Triad members brand themselves as triad brotherhood. Members of diverse triad organizations socialize, partner and show mutual protection. There are about 50 known triad societies in Hong Kong (Von Lampe, 2015). 
The triad organization has a unique set of structural frameworks. The “triad” generally describes Hong Kong organized criminal groups. These groups have cohesive, centralized organizational structures, supported by long-lasting character patterns, nurtured by specific rituals and ceremonies (Lo,2010). The triad organizational features such as cohesive structure, in-group tendency, restricted membership, and secrecy underpin its growth and survival (Kwok,2020). Triad group has a chairman, deputy chairman Heung Chu or incense master, fighting officer, public relations officer, Sze Kau, Sin Fung, and Blue Lantern (Kwok & Lo. (2013). These officials may participate in the group's initiation, promotion ceremonies, and triad expansion (Kwok & Lo. ,2013). Under the Sze Kau, affiliated members called Hanging the Blue Lantern exist. While Sze Kau is a formal member, Blue Lantern is not. Sze Kau must undergo formalized training. To be a triad member, one must undergo eighteen rituals, such as tapping the new member’s shoulder, amongst others. Such rituals denote the significance of triad brotherhood and loyalty when one is considered a triad member (Kwok,2020). However, the contemporary structure is more straightforward, where there is a Cho Kun (chairman) and Cha So (treasurer), assisted by Heung Chu. The triad district is managed by an area boss, usually an officer of Red Pole rank. The area boss is expected to recruited youth as Sze Kau or Blue Lantern to expand triad territorial borders (Kwok & Lo. ,2013).
The triad society has a remarkable historic transition. Triad society began as one group, but later other groups emerge, leading to the formation of multiple triad society Hung Mun, as the pioneer triad society, was a loyal and righteous association in the 1800s with a highly organized political and military system (Lo,2010). In contrast with later triad societies, Hung Mun members were considered heroes rather than criminals. The tremendous transition occurred in 1911 when china become a republican. During this time, Hung Mun was rapidly declining in terms of loyalty, influence, and righteousness. The disintegration of Hung Mun marked the emergence of various triad organizations, including 14K, Sun Yee On while engaged in criminal activities. Triad-related offences include unlawful societal infringements, assaults, intimidations, and drug-related offences (Kwok & Lo. ,2013). According to Zhang & Chin (2002), two views regarding the structure of criminal organizations exist. One such system involves organized crime groups descriptively defined as bureaucratic, hierarchical and centralized, thereby showing similarities with those of modern corporation, including the Mafia. Second, they often strive to monopolize criminal businesses through expansion and form structural links with cartels at both local and international arenas, allowing them to do illicit trades, including gambling casinos, prostitution rings, and drug trafficking (Zhang & Chin (2002).
Triad groups constitute an organized crime. Organized crime is highly centralized and intricate frameworks designed for illegal purposes, including robbery, fraud, theft, and demanding “protection payments” for business people and private individuals (Lo,2010). Triad criminal organizations often engage in a wide range of organized syndicates as the primary sources of income. Thus, their critical areas of crime include drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Lo (2010) observes that Chinese triads depict organized crime due to their subculture marked by rituals, oaths, secrecy, loyalty, and brotherhood, but these subcultural elements are increasingly becoming disenfranchised and disorganized in the contemporary world.
Until the 1980s, Triad organizations were a threat to Communist China due to their sense of autonomy. Thus, the critical concern revolves around feasible solutions geared towards managing and controlling Triad organizations. Due to fear of Triad societies by Chinese authorities, there has been a historical attempt to incorporate them to support the government by granting them business opportunities in exchange for Hong Kong support (Varese & Wong, 2018). For instance, Tao Siju, a minister for public security in 1993, demonstrated a willingness to work with Triad organizations that were patriotic and desired Hong Kong’s prosperity. Investment opportunities were created for Triad groups by the government to woo their support (Varese & Wong, 2018).
The triads increasing criminality and rebellions against the state have...
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