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Bullying Behavior by Students in the Classroom, Aspect of Bullying

Essay Instructions:

I do not need APA, just need these 3 questions. maximum of 150 words for EACH section

SECTION A ( 5 marks)

Discuss 2 ALLY strategies that your group talked about while playing the game. Do you think they would be effective?. Why or Why not?

My answer:  during playing the game, the first strategy: support the target.

If someone is the target of bullying behavior by other students in the classroom. You should encourage him to tell the teacher and go with him to support him when he reports this.

The second strategy: do not judge, you are a person who appreciates people for who they are and don’t judge them based on their appearance. You have lots of friends.


SECTION B ( 5 marks)

Discuss TWO  personal insights you acquired based on today's conversation with Carol Todd. You should make reference in your answer to specific examples from the presentation itself. These personal insights may include but are not limited to:

  • something new you learned
  • a change in personal understanding about some aspect of bullying
  • a new awareness about some aspect of bullying
  • affirmation on something about bullying  that you already had knowledge about, 

provide two personal insights and elaborate upon them in a clear and concise manner, providing relevant examples from the presentation to support their answers.

The conversation topic is bullying between kids or adolescent.

And after bullying, some people are thinking suicide.

SECTION C: ( 5 marks)

Discuss TWO things you learned today that could be useful to you in the future in working with persons and families affected by bullying. 

provide two clear and concise descriptions of ways in which they might use information from the presentation and apply it to their work in the future with persons and/or families affected by bullying 


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section A:
My chosen strategy to address bullying is: supporting the target. I believe it is important to reach out to a target and offer to be friends with him/her. This is a viable course of action for me because a bullied person may feel alienated from other people or that the entire class is ganging up against him/her. I can also encourage the target to report the bullying to the teacher, and to offer my assistance when he/she decides to do this.
The second strategy I can adopt is: do not judge people. Every individual is unique and they should be allowed to express their own uniqueness regardless of what others feel about it. Bullying often begins because a person has a "quirk" that another does not like. Hence, by not judging others I can be more accepting and tolerant of others, thereby preventing bullying from happening.
Section B:
One of the most important realizations I have about bullying is its detrimental effects. For some people, laughing at another person is just a sport – there was no need to be offended. But because of the presentation, I realized that some people can get so affected that they are already thinking of suicide. I never thought that my teasing someone could lead them to that extreme. I realize I have to be more careful because I might not realize when I am already bullying s...
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