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Film Analysis: White People and White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

Essay Instructions:

Hi this paper is about analyzing
“White People” and “White Privilege”
Read “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” and watch White People | Official Full Documentary | MTV (44 min). Write an essay 500-750 words in length that engages the following questions:
Please answer the following On “White Privilege” 
1) Why does McIntosh start her essay by saying "I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group.”? Why is this important for her to say?
2) Which of the “daily effects of white privilege” in McIntosh's list sticks out to you and why?
3) What do you think McIntosh means when she writes that admitting white privilege means giving up “the myth of meritocracy”?
Also answer the questions on “White People:
1) What is a “white bubble”? What are its effects?
2) Dakota (23, Tobaccoville) brings together old friends from his predominantly white hometown and new friends from the historically black college (HBC) that he attends. At the dinner, Dakota says he “can get ghetto real fast.” What does he mean? As one of his guests asks, “What is ghetto?” Hearing this word thrown around is very upsetting to Brittany, one of Dakota’s college friends. Why? What do you think about this incident/issue? 
3) The video mentions a study showing that nearly 50% of young white Americans say today discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against minorities. How do you explain these results? What do you think about Katy’s (18) situation and her reaction?
4) Almost all of the students that Vargas (the host) talked to said they considered themselves “color blind,” that they “don’t see race.” And three out of four young white Americans said “Society would be better off if we never acknowledged race.” What do you think about these results? How do you explain them and do you think they’re positive or negative for race relations?
Integrate these key concepts: 
affirmative action, color-blind racism, contact hypothesis, discrimination, ethnic group, ethnocentrism, institutional discrimination, minority group, model or ideal minority, prejudice, racial formation, racial group, racial profiling, racism, segregation, stereotype, symbolic ethnicity, white privilege
These are the links used for this essay. Thank you.
This paper has to be in ASA style format. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Film Analysis
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Film Analysis
McIntosh starts her essay by highlighting how racism has always been associated with the negative aspect of societal behaviour which is contrary to the whole aspect of racism that has evolved over the years to be part of the system. When McIntosh speaks of invisible systems that confer dominance on her group, she is talking about how racism is still considered to exist in a subtler way with the thought of domination existing in the white community. The author finds this important to say as a way of clarifying how there has been a misperception of racism over the years mostly in terms related to privileges believed to be offered to white people over other races that might be considered to be part of the minority (McIntosh 1992).
When it comes to white privilege, certain daily aspects stick out in her essay. White privileges in this scenario mean unearned assets as McIntosh puts it which are invisible advantages which white people experience but are supposed to be oblivious about. These special provisions according to the author have a significant contribution to the oppressive nature of racism that exists due to unfair advantages fuelled by colour related privileges. The daily effects of white privileges that stick out to me include the fact that the author believes that she can go shopping anywhere with the assurance that she won’t be followed or harassed. This is a notion that the author has about how people who might not be white have the probability of being harassed if they go to places where they are considered strange or unfamiliar. There is also an aspect of confidence about security being provided to white people much more easily than it would be to the minority (McIntosh 2003).
The theory of meritocracy is a philosophy which holds that power should not be vested in individuals based on their connections and political affiliations. Instead power should be granted based on merit after thoroughly measured performance regardless of the race of the aspiring leader. When the author talks about admitting white privilege and giving up the myth of meritocracy, she means that the issue of racism has an effect on the way power is distributed and the resulting influence fuelled to some extent by racial discrimination and affirmative action makes meritocracy a myth rather than a reality (McIntosh 20...
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