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Benefits and Drawbacks of Reducing Federal Bureaucracy and Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions with supporting deatails and own thoughts

*One of the goals of the Trump Administration was to reduce the size of the Federal Bureaucracy and the Federal Workforce. The Administration imposed hiring freezes and has often chose to not replace civil servants who have retired or left for the private sector. In your view is this a good approach to managing government? Why or why not? What are the benefits of reducing the size of the federal workforce? What are the potential drawbacks of having fewer (and less expert) civil servants in office? Does the benefit outweigh the costs? [You may wish to think about the 5th Risk reading or the article about Biden's difficulties filling key administration openings].

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The Bureaucracy Under President Trump
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The Bureaucracy Under President Trump

The Trump administration embarked on a mission to reduce the Federal Bureaucracy and the Federal Workforce. There are two ways in which the administration showed this effort. The first was a cut in the budget going to some government agencies. As part of the President’s campaign promise, the purpose of the cuts is to lower the federal deficit pay for the new tax law (Rein & Ban Tran, 2018). Secondly, the government did not replace the retiring employees or those who left for the private sector while imposing a freeze on government hiring.

While the idea is good because it reduced the bureaucratic process to increase efficiency, I don’t think this not a good approach to managing government. This is because it leaves many vacancies within the government, meaning that some things cannot go on. As argued by Michael Lewis in The Fifth Risk (2018) the government handles glacially paced risks daily when nothing dramatic happens. However, mismanagement, in the long run, results in major repercussions.

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