Balance Between Practical and Creative Mindsets in Air Force
Provide a 300 word response to your instructor-assigned question.
QUESTION B: Lt Col Trew’s article discusses how the concept of “airmindedness” should balance between practical and creative mindsets in order to allow the Air Force to thrive as an institution. Do the force structure and strategic analyses of the Air Force strike that proper balance?
Justify and support your answer using your experience and source support from the assigned readings.
You must use 3 sources and at least 1-2 sources from class readings.
Airpower Studies: Question B Discussion
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Due Date
Achieving a balance between creative and practice mindsets in the Air Force, which Trew calls 'air-mindedness,' is a continuous process that demands constant adaptation and evaluation. The U.S. Air Force must be open to new ideologies and solicit expert input in creating long-term success. For any creative or practical idea to be harnessed in the Air Force institution, it must be strategically and structurally analyzed. Research suggests that no military strategy exists in a vacuum (Pietrucha 2018, p. 2). In this vein, the force structure and strategic analyses must remain flexible to strike a balance between practical