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Applied Ethics: U.S. Patriotic Act and Academic Freedom

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment.you will flesh out the outline you created in the previous ass1gnment. Develop a 750-word essay in response to one of the questions posed at the end of your chosen case.

Summarize the case and the values at stake in it. Summarize relevant facts of the case.

  • Clarify concepts used to analyze the case.

Justify the ethical standard applied to the case.

State a clear position on the moral question presented. Include at least four references to support your position.

Structure your essay as follows: 

An introduction that briefly describes the moral question under consideration. A thesis statement that is the moral question itself.

A second well-crafted paragraph stating the facts relevant to the question.

A third well-crafted paragraph that clarifies all concepts where mutual understanding is required to avoid equivocation on terms.

o  For example, in the abortion debate , the word fetus would need to be clarified in a manner that gives the status with regard to personhood.

A fourth paragraph that explicitly states the standard from the moral theory you are appealing to. o  You should explain the standard using moral theory.

A conclusion that states in the prescriptive terms what you think people should do in this case. o This should be a very clear, well-crafted statement.

o  All the supporting information you have written about in the rest of your essay should lead up to this statement.

  • • For example, 'The fetus should not be aborted past the first trimester of a woman's pregnancy."

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards  For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applied Ethics Essay
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
U.S. Patriotic Act and Academic Freedom
The Patriotic Act is a law that grants law enforcement the mandate to investigate and gather information on a full range of terrorism-related crimes to prevent terrorist attacks. The case study involves Dartmouth, a senior at the University of Massachusetts who federal agents visited at his house after requesting a book from the university's library. The federal agents suspect Dartmouth of terrorist activities after ordering a book in the school library about communism. On the other hand, academic freedom is necessary for higher education, especially for college students, a free society, and high-quality education. The Patriotic Act invades library privacy laws and academic freedom by assessing personal information about professors and students. The National Security Letter permits federal agents to gag those receiving the search order from disclosing any information sought. This write-up will explore whether the Patriotic Act should infringe on people's freedom of speech.
Dartmouth requested a copy of Mao Tse-tung's book on communism to complete a research paper on fascism and totalitarianism. The agents who visited Dartmouth claimed that the book he requested was on the U.S. A Patriotic Act watch list, and they were investigating him because his background shows that he had spent significant time abroad. The Patriotic Act allows the department of homeland security to monitor library activities of college students and professors' borrowing records, international travel, internet records, emails, and phone calls. On the other hand, the Patriotic Act binds the recipient of the order by a gag order whereby they are not allowed to inform others about the search order. Dartmouth's freedom of speech is violated because he is not supposed to tell others about a search order by the federal agents. The NSL is unconstitutional, for it limits citizens from freedom of speech and a shroud of secrecy.
Additionally, the professor further states that there is more monitoring of faculty activities and students than people realize due to the limitation of the Act. He also reconsiders a class he was going to teach on terrorism for fear that he is putting his students at risk, and the book Mao Tse-tung is harmless. Several libraries have protested the Act stating that it is a danger to Americans' constitutional acts.
In the case study, several factors need clarifying, including the power of the Patriotic right, the gag order, the Patriotic Act watch list, and the freedom of speech. President Bush signed the Patriotic Act into law following the terrorist a...
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