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Samuel Dewitt Proctor and His Contributions to the Baptist Churches

Essay Instructions:

1. Style, grammar, submission: sketch conforms to imposed word count (1000-1250); submission is prompt and readable; written with appropriate voice, tone, grammar, sentence-structure, mechanics, punctuation, correct spelling, and careful proofreading. Audience specified at beginning of essay.
2. Essay utilizes at least three reputable sources; sources are cited correctly, appropriately and accurately (i.e., Turabian)
3. Essay introduces the reader to the subject; sketch includes an informed and concise summary of the subject’s life; sketch calls attention to key contributions made by the subject; important dates, central events, or crucial developments addressed.
4. Essay demonstrates evidence of student’s awareness of how the subject impacted Baptist life; awareness of subject’s complexities; awareness of the issues related to discussing and interpreting the subject in Baptist churches?

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Samuel Dewitt Proctor
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Samuel Dewitt Proctor
The best way to understand the world as it is today is through history. History allows people to learn how certain institutions, such as the churches, were built and also understand the contribution of significant figures. To best understand the journey of Baptists churches, it is important to look at the significant figures in history and how they influenced the Baptist life during their time of service. As Brackney reveals, Baptists churches have been a significant part of the identity of African-Americans, thanks to the work of many Baptists figures in the history of the Baptist churches. One such significant figure in the Baptists' life is Samuel Dewitt Proctor. This essay provides congregants with information about Samuel Dewitt Proctor and his contributions to the Baptist churches.[William Brackney, Historical Dictionary of the Baptist .( London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), 483.]
Summary of Samuel Dewitt Proctor' Life
Samuel Dewitt Proctor was born in 1921 in Norfolk, Virginia, to Velma Hughes and Herbert Proctor. His family valued education, and his grandparents from his paternal and maternal side had a college education, which was unusual at the time. Other than being raised by educated parents to value education, he was also raised a Baptist. His great-grandfather, Zecharia Hughes, had started a family church which Proctor attended in his early years. Growing up in church helped build Proctor's faith, and this became a central part of who he was and what he was trying to do in the world.[Jeffrey Brooks and Anthony Normore, Leading against the Grain: Lessons for Creating Just and Equitable Schools (New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2018),57.] [Brooks and Normore, Leading against the Grain, 57.]
Proctor attended Virginia Union University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1942. While at the university, he got baptized as a college student, which further cemented his faith and life as a Baptist. He later attended Crozer Theological Seminary and received a bachelor's degree in divinity in 1945. He pursued a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the seminary because he wanted to understand Christian ministry. Immediately after his graduation, he became a pastor at the Pond Street Baptist Church in Providence, Rhode Island, where he served for a while before pursuing a Ph.D. in theology at Boston University. He received his Ph.D. in 1950. All this education prepared him for a career as a minister and an educator.[Brooks and Normore, Leading against the Grain, 57.]
Soon after receiving his Ph.D., Proctor went back to the Virginia Union University, where he started teaching theology. According to Brackney, he rose through the ranks while there, and he became the president of the university. He served as president for five years and left to become the president of the Agriculture and Technical College of North Carolina (North Carolina A&T University) in 1955. He resigned from this position in 1964 and became the president of the National Council of Churches. Proctor also took an interest in South Pacific and Africa, where he traveled to give lectures. He was specifically interested in Africa and the political corruption that was evident in the continent at the time.[Brackney, Historical Dictionary of the Baptist, 483.]
In 1972, Proctor became the pastor at the Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York. He served at the church for seventeen years and made considerable contributions to the church. He died in 1997 in Iowa. At the time of his death, he had received 45 honorary degrees and authored a couple of books...
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