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Historical Identifications

Essay Instructions:

Part I (40 points): Historical Identifications

Choose four topics from the lists below, no more than two from any one group. Write a short essay (at least 6 to 8 sentences) about each topic that you select. Provide some background information and historical and/ or literary context (based on my lectures or the Armstrong book) but focus most of your attention on the relevant text itself. If the topic is an entire work, summarize its central message and briefly define its key concepts. If it is a concept in a work, briefly explain what it means in the text and how it is connected with other key concepts in the same text. Be sure to choose essay topics that you will not be discussing in your Part II essay.

Group I

Confucius, The Analects

Jen/Ren (goodness, benevolence, humanity)

Chun tzu (gentleman: person who has the virtue of Jen)

Li (sacred rites or rituals)

The Way

Te (moral virtue or power)

Xiao (filial piety)

Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

The Tao

The Master



Group II




Book of Job 

This group you can choose any one)word


Group III

Plato, Apology

Plato, Crito

Plato, Republic

Justice in the State

Justice in the Individual


Writing in Deep!!!

Read the requirements carefully, not just the definition of vocabulary

No online information

Part II: Essay (60 points):

Write an in-depth essay about one of the following topics:

1) Confucius, The Analects

2) Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

3) Hebrew prophets (discuss two or three of them)

4) The Book of Job

5) Plato, Apology

6) Plato, Crito

7) Plato, Republic

 Give the historical context and provide a general summary or description of the text or texts you choose to write about, including its (or their) structure, style, and any events it recounts. What questions or issues does it address and what are its major ideas and solutions? In what ways do you think the ideas and teachings in this text were a response to political, social, religious or other developments occurring within this civilization? How relevant and valuable do you think its key ideas are today (if not in their precise messages or formulations, then perhaps in their attempt to wrestle with certain problems and questions facing humanity)? Why? Support any general statements you make about this work and its key ideas with specific examples or quotations.

Note: Although you can draw on information from the Armstrong text and from my lectures, especially when discussing historical context, the essay should be based primarily on your own analysis of these religious or philosophical texts. Feel free to raise questions and bring up unresolved issues that occur to you as you think the essay out. This essay is an exercise in reading and thinking, not research.

Please do not consult Internet sources in the preparation of your exam.

Writing in deep!!!!

You can use quotes in the article

No Online information on essay 


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Part 1(Historical Identifications)
The text about ren was written during Confucius lifetime, which was in early Zhou times. Ren stood for physical beauty, but to Confucius, it referred to moral excellence and general goodness (Slingerland 41). From Confucious perspective, ren stood for true inner virtues that people should have. In a word, Confucius employed ren to describe how and why people should strive to attain morality. . According to him, ren guides individuals on how to foster meaningful relationships with others. For instance, ren helps people to evaluate their actions and decide whether they have been dutiful or trustworthy. In sum, espousing ren is paramount in helping individuals entrench themselves in society.
Xiao (filial piety).
The text was written by Confucius during his lifetime. According to him, Xiao (filial piety) is one of the basic familial virtues. It offers guidance to adults on how to demonstrate virtuous public behavior. Confucius goes further to outline the benefits of espousing that virtue. For instance, he intimates that xiao constitutes the root of goodness, which results from obeying one’s parents. (Slingerland 1). In a word, Confucius outlines the benefits of being obedient and respectful to parents. He contends that the world would be at peace if people exercised filial piety. Similarly, Confucious contends that being respectful is a crucial attribute for leaders, which helps them to effectively lead any size of leaders (Slingerland 2). In sum, xiao is critical in maintaining morally strong societies.
The book of Amos was written by Amos himself, and he intimates that he lived among a group of shepherds in Tekoa, a town that lay approximately ten kilometers south of Jerusalem. Amos is describing a vision that appeared to him two years before the earthquake, which happened during the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah, and Jeroboam, king of Israel (NIV Amos 1:1). Even though Amos did not regard himself as a prophet, he prophesied against the privileged people who prioritized material gain at the expense of loving and valuing their neighbors. The book of Amos, more than any other book, warns against the ill-treatment of others and outlines the consequences of so doing. For instance, the Lord declares that He will punish Gaza for taking entire communities captive and selling them to Edom (NIV Amos 1: 6-7). In a word, the book of Amos explores the consequences of mistreating others. On the positive side, the book urges people to repent and outlines the benefits of doing so. For instance, the Lord vows to restore David’s fallen shelter and repair its broken walls (NIV Amos 9: 11). Therefore, the book shows that there is always hope at the end of the tunnel.
Plato, Crito
The text was written by Plato after the execution of his teacher, Socrates, around 399 B.C. It highlights a conversation between Socrates and his avowed friend, Crito, who tries to persuade the former to flee to exile after being condemned to death. The text kicks off with Socrates expressing surprise for seeing his friend so early in the morning (Grube43). Crito is one of his many friends who have been making concerted efforts to help Socrates escape. Even though Crito is rich and would facilitate his escape with considerable ease by bribing guards, Socrates refuses. He asserts that one’s actions should be decided by rational reflection, as opposed to emotions (Grube50). Further, Socrates claims to be morally bound to the agreement he made of accepting being executed. In a word, the text illustrates that nothing would suffice to make Socrates break the law he avidly ascribed to. The text would play a critical role in encouraging people to embrace the virtues they value, no matter the consequences, which would inevitably transform the world.
Part 2
Plato, Apology
The text was written by Plato, Socrates’ student, and is a philosophical work that entails the speech Socrates gave to defend himself after standing on trial in Athens for the first time in his life. Fellow citizens accused him of not believing in the gods of Athens and corrupting the mind of the city’s youth (Grube 24). Since Socrates was seven...
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