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Types of Motivation (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of these topics below: Extracurricular activities

Students and their study habits


Ways to apologize



Types of motivation

Types of teachers

Types of humour

Students and their study habits

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Types of Motivation
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Types of Motivation
Many people have wondered why some people failed, while others succeed. More often, it is the motivation that determines the propensity to grow and make diverse gains in life amidst challenging environments. Life is about concepts like aspiration, mission, and vision, which provides a sense of purpose and direction. These concepts are underpinned by motivation, which is considered a driving force behind every effort we make and keeps us going amidst various huddles. There two primary classes of motivation, which include intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. However, irrespective of the type of motivation, the net outcome of motivation is to lead someone towards achieving specific goals, objectives, or missions, business, or workplaces. Both types of motivation enable us to move, but the intensity and the desire, and the quality of our outcomes, can be different for these categories of motivation.
Extrinsic motivation
The external motivation emerges from external sources. Extrinsically motivated individuals are motivated by external factors that inspire them to continue doing something while expecting a specific reward or to avoid adverse outcomes. Extrinsic motivation is reward-driven behavior. It is perceived through the lens of operant conditioning in psychology. Operant conditioning is a phenomenon or observation of behaviors marked by behavior modification that uses rewards or punishments to increase or decrease the possibility that given actions will recur. Working because of pay, salary, or wage, is an example of extrinsic motivation. It is the pay that makes a person report to work. The compensation or the salary in this context constitutes external motivation. A person will get motivated to attend work daily due to pay, and the associated need to pay bills. Extrinsic motivation can arise due to a desire for non-tangible items like fame, attention, public proclamations, and praise. Extrinsic motivation is often linked to task outcomes, including the desire to win trophies, win money, and be a winner or top performer in most spheres of life, including the workplace and business.
There is a high chance that external factors inspire the majority of people. More often, extrinsic motivation entails doing an activity to achieve a different outcome that is not directly related to the job. For example, learning specific languages to impress friends is an example of external or extrinsic motivation. The net desire is not to gain the mastery needed for communication purposes, but it is driven more by the desire to impress a friend. The link between the activities likes ‘learning’ and ‘impressing of friends’ has an implicit relationship. Another example includes doing your job optimally to please your boss, earn a promotion, or get more rewards like a salary increase.
In workplaces, internal motivation may fail to work among employees in many instances. For employees to effectively complete specific tasks and achieve desired results incentives may be required, for example, a promise of an increase in salary, bonuses, and day-offs if specific performances are achieved, or given tasks are completed. Intrinsic incentives as a source of motivatio...
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