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Literature & Language
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PaperAssignment Literature & Language Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Write one page, typed, double spaced, as prompted below.

***Book: Euripides.  Medea.  Oliver Taplin, trans.  Chicago & London:  University of Chicago Press, 2001.  I.S.B.N.:  978-0-226-20345-4.

The text of the Medea derives from a play-script written for a single performance

on a particular occasion in ancient Athens, the tragedy competition held at the annual

festival known as the City Dionysia.

At the time that the Medea was produced, in 431 B.C.E., each competitor selected

for the competition was provided with a total of three speaking actors at the city’s

expense. Apart from the chorus, it also appears that one was permitted to make

arrangements for additional non-speaking supernumeraries; but with only three

professional actors to play all the speaking parts, it was necessary to plan the stage action

so that they might play multiple roles.

Identify all the speaking roles in the Medea and make a plan for how they are to

be divided among three actors. Beyond the constraints of the stage action, be sure to say

why you have assigned them as you did.

Note: All the performers were male. Also, the Choral Leader is a member of the

chorus and not one of the three professional actors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyzing Various Speaking Roles 
The various speaking roles include Creon, the Corinthian King, Aegeus, the Athenian King, Jason the antagonist, Medea, the protagonist, the nurse, the messenger, the attendant, and the two children.
I would divide the speaking roles based on the volume of lines each character has. For instance, Aegeus’ character only appears in the middle of the play. So, I would assign his role as well as that of the attendant to the first actor. Also, I would assign the same actor the role of the messenger since he only appears once towards the end of the play. I would then assign the role of the nurse and that of Jason to the second actor. To the third actor, I wo...
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