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Types Of Intelligence: Logical-Mathematical & Linguistic

Essay Instructions:

love courage happiness faith beauty intelligence

1. Write one sentence in which you give your definition of one of these terms.
2. Identify at least three types of this concept.
3. Identify two people who exemplify this concept, one whom you know from personal experience and one who is a public personality.
4. Identify one familiar definition of this term that you reject in favor of your own definition.
5. Describe the causes or effects of this concept.
6. Explain what this concept is associated with.
7. Explain what is the opposite of this concept.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Intelligence Intelligence refers to the ability to comprehend and understand or perceive information, retain it as knowledge and the knowledge used to manipulate one's environment. There are however many other definitions of intelligence. From a government’s perspective, intelligence refers to information about a possible threat to a country’s security or information about an enemy of the state. Intelligence also refers to the agency tasked with collecting information about possible threats and safeguarding the country from attack and enemies that mean it harm. When put in the context of computer operations, it refers to computer functions that allow a machine to think and learn in the field of Artificial intelligence. Types of Intelligence Psychologists have identified that there are different types of intelligence attributed to the different perceptions of intelligence in the society. For one, people with high levels of intelligence are respected and admired and as a result, they are put in a lot of pressure to be excellent in everything that they do. Intelligent people are perceived to be very knowledgeable and possess the skills that they are able to make life simpler and better. In light of these perceptions and the different definitions of intelligence psychologists and scholars around the world have categorized it into different types. These include: * Logical-Mathematical Intelligence-Intelligent people are mostly measured by their ability to logically solve mathematical problems. People who fall under this category are able to understand relationships by analyzing trends and patterns. They are curious individuals who enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries. They further their intelligence by engaging in logical games. In addition, they are very good with numbers and are regularly formulating hypothesis and investigations to prove them. People with this kind of intelligence make the best mathematicians, detectives and scientists. * Linguistic Intelligence-This refers to an individual’s ability to use words to achieve an objective, such as persuading someone to act in a certain manner. Linguistically intelligent people have the ability to express themselves in the right words. They are also mostly multi-lingual with the ability to comprehend other languages and dialects. They enjoy playing word games all the time and read and write a lot. Novelists, journalists and public speakers that include some politicians are considered to be linguistically intelligent. * Interpersonal Intelligence-This refers to one’s ability to sense what other people are feeling and analyzing the reasons behind their actions. People who possess this type of intelligence have very good communication skills. They easily identify differences in people and as a result they have many friends. They are also able to look at matters in more than one dimension which allows them to gauge the mood of people. Politicians, teachers and actors are examples of people in the society that possess interpersonal intelligence. * Intrapersonal Intelligence-Individuals who are self-conscious and know the reasons why they feel the ways they do and have utmost respect for human condition are known to possess this type of intelligence. They put themselves first in various situations and are independent in their actions. Furt...
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