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Artificial Intelligence And Electronic Technology

Essay Instructions:

Writing an article on artificial intelligence and electronic technology, Observation Essay

The requirements of the professor are below. The topics I chose are artificial intelligence and electronic technology.

We live in visual, technological culture and oftentimes privilege sight over any other sense. Because of this, we often fail to fully describe or even experience our own world. In this essay you will write at least 2 full pages, describing an object, place, or event, related to your ‘zine topic. Your essay will be more than just observation, though; you will need to make meaning from your observations. Be curious. Be imaginative. Question and interpret. What is out there in the world, and what can it teach us? You should use both objective and subjective details. In order to provide an objective description, you will need to use your senses to report on that which you are observing. You will use subjective description when you report your emotional responses to the object of observation. Once you have decided on what you will observe, begin observing as soon as possible. Your observation should last at least 30-60 minutes. You might observe non-stop for 30-60 minutes, or you might divide your time. Be creative as you observe; move around. Participate (if appropriate). At the same time though, you need to be able to take notes—good notes. Record everything you possibly can—sights, sounds, smells, dress, gestures, dialogue that you hear, etc. You should also take pictures during your observation to include in your ‘zine.

Here's what I'll be looking for as I grade your paper:

• Detailed descriptions: Can I see what you see? Do you use the five senses (sensory details) to describe the subject? Do you include 1-3 photographs? If appropriate, do you move beyond visual details to include action and dialogue?

• Organization: You have to show me that you thought about the organization of the story. This means you decided upon and pursued a particular way of organizing your essay. This might be best done chronologically or by theme.

• Significance: Does your essay move beyond a literal description of your subject to include its relationship to the topic of your ‘zine?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Observation Essay Modern technology has revolutionized the world, electronics and electronic systems have become more advanced. Artificial intelligence electronic technologies are used to solve problems and also provide an intelligent interface with its additional smart system components to offer additional capabilities and efficiency. I recently visited a toy shop to buy a birthday present for my nephew; the shop attendant introduced me to one of the least toy artificial intelligence toy named Aibo. Aibo is among the many artificial intelligence technologies engineered to suit the younger generation. This is an artificial intelligence robot with realistic features built to the actual size of a dog pet. After observing some of its intelligent features, one would wonder the role of artificial intelligence systems in future, because such technology is likely to penetrate deep into our emotions to offer us comfort more than real humans. Aibo is an artificial intelligence robot developed by Sony to act as an intelligent pet (Ayesh et al, 2014). The robot has the ability to interact and show emotions like living pets; all you need to do is to recharge its batteries to keep it in motion the whole day. Based on my observation, Aibo is a pet who behaves like a real dog, using artificial intelligence features, the dog can interact with his owner and the general surroundings (Ayesh et al, 2014). The robot is equipped with sensing and movement technology combined with cloud computing to develop a dog's personality. With sensing and artificial intelligence technology, Aibo is capable of detecting its o...
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