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The Day Without Electricity

Essay Instructions:

Write a three 3 page essay on "THE DAY WITHOUT ELECTRICITY" your grade is based on the knowledge of the subject area, the ability to express, organize and support opinions and ideas. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from life experiences, reading, studies or observations. Heading Date Appropriateness/address the topic Unity and Focus/maintains the point of view Development/supporting details Organization/Logical sequence Sentence Structure/free of errors Usage/word choice Mechanical conventions/spelling Conclusion

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The Day Without Electricity
The Day Without Electricity
The significance of electricity in day-to-day activities became apparent to the City of Melada on the day an unprecedented power outage took almost a day. "The Day Without Electricity" has since been used to denote that particular day and has been well imprinted on the minds of those who were affected. The City of Melada has a population of 5 million people who use electricity in their homes, different places of work, and in many factories and industries located within the city’s metropolis. Unplanned power outages started to be experienced in some parts of the city at 6:00 am on this day (Pidd, 2012). The whole city was covered by a blanket of power black out by 8:30 am.
Lightning strike on one of the city’s main transmission facility led to a cascade of power failure in the transmission and distribution system. Engineers moved with speed in disconnecting systems to prevent damage to equipments. The engineers struggled for at least 20 hours to fix the problem with some parts of the metropolis lasting for 24 hours without electricity (Pidd, 2012). The impacts of the power loss on that day and the days that followed were clear.
The city’s transport system was greatly affected by the day-long power outage in various ways. The rail transport system is dependent on electricity; power outage led to the failure of many trains. Many train passengers were left stranded miles away from their destinations when trains stopped on their way. The government was forced to seek alternative means of transport to rescue those stranded (Pidd, 2012). This was a high cost of an unplanned expenditure. Since most of the residents of the City of Melada rely majorly on train transport, many were forced to walk to their places of work, whereas a big number of them did not go to work at all. Moreover, the government workers in the electric train industry had to be sent home when it became apparent that the problem could last for long.
On the other hand, road transport was greatly hit by the power outage with traffic lights failing in the whole city. This led to heavy traffic jams and dangerous congestion on the city roads were motorists were cautioned to drive carefully to avoid accidents. A great number of miners ...
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