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A Streetcar Named Desire: Who Did the Right Thing?

Essay Instructions:


An essay is thoughts put to the page in an organized manner. When developing an argumentative literary analysis essay, your goal is to write out your thoughts about a text, the ideas it contains, and the literary elements that develop these ideas in a way that convinces, persuades, the reader to agree with you


To successfully complete this unit:

Pick one (1) Argumentative paper topic from the collection below to create one (1) double-spaced, Individual Argumentative Essay consisting of:

1 Introduction Paragraph

5 sentences

3 Body Paragraphs

15 sentences each

must have a mix of sentence types

1 Conclusion Paragraph

3 sentences

Longer length is acceptable, shorter will cost you points

Use The Argumentation Blueprint uploaded below as an example for the structure of your paper, and make yours look and read like that example

Support your opinion with examples from the entire work — either a direct quote or a paraphrase to support your answer

No outside sources should be used, cited, or included here

Follow the general APA formatting guidelines by watching the video below to set up your paper

Use The Transitions List uploaded below to help create a variety of sentences

Use the Good Beginnings document uploaded below for examples on how to create an interesting opening sentence for your paper

This information from Purdue's OWL site may also help

Check the online calendar for due dates

Submit in the appropriate drop box below

The sample rubric is attached to the drop box which you can look at ahead of time and see exactly what I look for when I grade these papers. The graded rubric is visible under the "Submissions Review" and "grades" tabs


In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche stayed at home to care for dying relatives; Stella left. Which sister did the right thing?

While you can make an argument for either sister, PICK ONE sister, and create an argumentative essay listing three reasons why you feel she did the right thing, and supporting your position using evidence from the play, or scenes from the film adaptation

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay - A Streetcar Named Desire
Argumentative Essay - A Streetcar Named Desire
Staying at home to care for dying relatives is quite an emotional experience for the dying relatives. The end-of-life stage of any individual must be treated with utmost care and respect. Dying relatives do not cease to be relatives and, as such, deserve consideration to allow them to get the desired dignity even in death. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche opted to stay behind to care for her dying relatives as her sister left. She maintained the bond she had with her relatives to their last moments. She sacrificed her luxuries to enjoy the little time with them as she would never get such an opportunity again. From her choice, it is deductible that she was compassionate towards others and displayed her value for life. Notably, she laid down all her ambitions to make sure that her dying relatives died happy and satisfied.
It is important to note that Blanche could have opted to leave and get other means to take care of her dying relatives. For instance, she could have gone out to find work to better their lives, even on their death beds. However, Blanche chose her family bond, close ties, and familial love over luxury. Also, she did not abdicate such duties to other individuals like employing a maid or taking her relatives to nursing homes. Instead, she offered them home-based care within their most familiar settings. Naturally, most individuals are most likely to die at home than away in facilities like hospitals or nursing facilities. Also, most people in their end-of-life stages require a lot of love and affection. Usually, most want to share their dying wishes and tell their final tales.
From her arrival at Stella’s apartment, Blanche maintained her touch with reality. She was not pleased with the way her sister lived, to the point that her sister’s husband, Stanley, hated her. She continued to express her touch with reality when she decided to stay behind in the not-so-good home to care for them. Blanche’s affection and family connections are not limited to her dying family members but also her sister. For instance, Blanche attempts to persuade Stella, her sister, to leave Stanley for a better man of her equal...
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